BD经理 50-80k·15薪
上海-浦东新区 10年以上 本科
年终奖金 五险一金 领导好 发展空间大 公司规模大
韩女士 2天前在线 已认证
As a Sr Business Development Manager here at Honeywell, you will play a crucial role in driving business growth and expanding our customer base. You will be responsible for identifying new business opportunities, developing strategic partnerships, and driving sales revenue. Your strong analytical skills, strategic thinking, and ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams will be essential in delivering successful outcomes for Honeywell's business. You will report directly to our PSS Greater China GM. In this role, you will have the opportunity to impact strategic leadership, revenue growth, innovation, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • Develop and maintain strategic partnerships with key stakeholders • Drive sales revenue through effective negotiation and relationship management • Provide regular updates and reports to senior management on business development activities • Build networks and connections with potential customers, major players in the new industry, relevant authorities (e.g. academia, NGOs and governments) and other potential business partners and suppliers. • Conduct market research and analysis to identify attractive new business opportunities. • Evaluate the potentials and risks of a business on a future-oriented view. • Work with leadership and the other function to formulate sound business strategy and tactical plan accordingly. • Drive new business opportunity landing through close cross function team coordination including sales, SA, OM, engineering function, etc. • Be responsible for China STRAP development in line with global business strategy and local market needs. • Propose strategic plan, near term and long-term tactical plan based on systematic view and integrated cross function data analysis. • Collaborate with line-of-business and functional resources to ensure the execution of strategic and tactical plan. YOU MUST HAVE • Minimum of 10 years of experience in business development, market development or related roles • Strong business acumen, systematic thinking, solid knowledge of market data collection & analysis, • Ability to break down complex problem into basic building blocks and comprehensive executive summaries. • Proven track record of successfully driving business growth and achieving sales targets • High energy individual; be able to direct, establish and work in a teamwork environment. • Ability to influence and negotiate with stakeholders at all levels • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Good at MPP, PPT and Microsoft office software application. Fluent English skill both oral and writing WE VALUE • Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field (Master's degree preferred) • Experience in the industrial automation industry • Strong leadership and team management skills • Ability to adapt to a fast-paced and changing environment • Innovative and solution-oriented mindset • Excellent interpersonal and relationship-building skills


霍尼韦尔在中国 霍尼韦尔是一家《财富》美国100强之一的互联工业企业,为全球客户提供专业的行业解决方案,涵盖航空和汽车产品及服务,楼宇、住宅和工业控制技术,以及特性材料。从飞机、汽车、住宅、楼宇、制造工厂、供应链到工人,我们的技术致力于万物互联,创造一个更智能、更安全和更可持续发展的世界。 霍尼韦尔在华的历史可以追溯到1935年。当时,霍尼韦尔在上海开设了第一个经销机构。目前,霍尼韦尔各业务集团均已落户中国,旗下所辖的所有业务部门的亚太总部也都已迁至中国。目前,霍尼韦尔在全国30多个城市拥有约13,000名员工, 其中有近2,600名研发工程人员。 霍尼韦尔在中国实施“东方服务于东方”(East for East)的发展战略,充分利用公司在节能、环保、安全、安防、互联等相关领域的实力,有效地为中国推进新型城镇化、加快产业升级和建设安全宜居、资源节约和环境友好型社会做出贡献。霍尼韦尔致力于积极建立一流的本地研发能力,并努力将中国的完整强大的供应链优势融入于公司的本地研发和生产之中,并以此为基础积极推进“东方服务于世界”(East to Rest)战略,推动“中国创造”服务全球。 在业务发展的同时,霍尼韦尔还通过“家园建设计划”(Honeywell Hometown Solutions)这一独特的全球公益项目,积极关注家庭安全与安防、科学和数学教育、人道主义援助等领域的社会和社区需求,通过科技的力量践行公益,携手各界共建一个更安全、更舒适、更节能的美好“家园”。在中国开展的主要项目包括: “儿童安全过假期”、 “太空学院教师培训计划(HESA)”、“科学与工程计划(HISE)”、 “涓流计划-霍尼韦尔安全饮水教室”、“四川地震灾区援建小学”;“偏远地区教育支持- 霍尼韦尔多媒体学习中心”等。 霍尼韦尔是一个倡导机会平等的雇主。我们对所有候选人一视同仁,而不论其年龄、种族、信仰、肤色、国籍、血统、婚姻状况、情感或性取向、性别认同或表达、残疾、国籍、性别、宗教或退伍军人身份。 你是否为在一个热情洋溢的、可以改变和影响整个行业发展的团队中工作而感到欢欣鼓舞呢?在霍尼韦尔,我们时刻寻找着真切渴望付出并期待成长的人才。当今世界,产品和技术固然重要,但人才始终是重中之重。我们坚信,有着不同信念、不同想法、不同性别、不同肤色的多元化团队能给我们带来更优的决策。正是我们的员工,使得霍尼韦尔与众不同、出类拔萃。


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