新媒体运营 New Media Operations 15-30k
上海-徐汇区 3-5年 本科
年终奖金 绩效奖金 领导好 发展空间大 扁平管理 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升 弹性工作 带薪年假
张女士 15小时前在线 已认证
岗位职责: 1. 负责微信、抖音以及小红书等新媒体平台的产品文案、内容策划、账号运营工作; 2. 负责微信、短视频平台(抖音、小红书等)的视频上传、文字编辑和传播推广,以及数据的整理反馈和运营策略优化调整; 3. 负责新媒体推广模式与渠道的探索,建立外部渠道的良好关系,整合各渠道资源,利用渠道资源做好新媒体推广; 4. 及时捕捉社会潮流热点,根据节庆、话题、用户及品牌传播需求,输出内容策划案,包括专题策划、选题及执行,并推动落地执行; 5. 利用数据分析工具,定期形成数据分析报告,分析新媒体平台的运营指标,提出运策略调整建议。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,设计学、新媒体、新闻学、汉语言文学、广告类等相关专业; 2. 3年及以上内容运营相关工作经验,对汽车行业有浓厚兴趣; 3. 有一定的文案、策划选题能力;能独立完成原创稿件撰写、视频脚本撰写,有较好的文字功底; 4. 摄影摄像能力强,会PS和AI,如果会一些基本的3D软件(Blender)作为加分项; 5. 具备良好的英语读写能力,会德语为加分项; 6.有驾照,可适应短期出差。 Job responsibilities: 1. Responsible for product copywriting, content planning, account operation of WeChat, Shake and new media platforms such as Xiaohongshu; 2. Be responsible for video uploading, text editing and communication promotion of WeChat and short video platforms (Shake, Xiaohongshu, etc.), as well as the collation of data feedback and optimization and adjustment of operation strategies; 3. Responsible for the exploration of new media promotion modes and channels, establish good relationship with external channels, integrate resources of various channels, and make good use of channel resources to promote new media; 4. Capture the social trend hotspots in time, according to the festivals, topics, users and brand communication needs, output content planning plan, including topic planning, selection and implementation, and promote the implementation; 5. Utilize data analysis tools, regularly form data analysis report, analyze the operation index of new media platform, and put forward operation strategy adjustment suggestions. Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, majoring in design, new media, journalism, Chinese language and literature, advertising and other related majors; 2. 3 years or above content operation related work experience, with strong interest in the automotive industry; 3. Have certain copywriting and planning ability to select topics; be able to independently complete original manuscript writing, video script writing, have good writing skills; 4. Strong photography and video skills, PS and AI, if you know some basic 3D software (Blender) as a plus; 5. Good English reading and writing skills, German is a plus; 6. Have a driver's license, can adapt to short-term business trips.


studiokurbos是一家自主经营的独立设计工作室。我们为在汽车领域,产品设计,用户体验的客户进行完整的开发设计。 德国总部于2013年在斯图加特成立,我们面向全球市场,不同品牌,为其设计汽车,产品和用户界面。我们的特点在于整合了我们的设计技能:用户体验设计和汽车产品设计。在我们这个网络化的世界,这种联系和灵感来源变得越来越重要。大家可直观理解我们设计的产品和数字交互,又能身临其境使用场景。 上海分公司于2021年成立,使studiokurbos在满足亚洲市场对整体设计项目的需求方面处于更加有利的地位。 开始:一张白纸和一个明确的任务 明确制定目标至关重要 对我们而言,与客户共同制定这些目标是每个开发过程的一部分,并构成了好的设计基础 我们通过技术的力量,让目标变得可见,可以感觉到情感,可以体验交互 我们的目标:通过设计可持续的塑造品牌和公司形象 studiokurbos is a self-run independent design studio. We carry out complete development and design for clients in the automotive sector, product design and user experience. Founded in 2013 in Stuttgart, we design cars, products and user interfaces for the global market, for different brands. We are characterized by the integration of our design skills: user experience design and automotive product design. In our networked world, this connection and source of inspiration is becoming increasingly important. People can intuitively understand the products and digital interactions we design, and yet be able to immerse themselves in the scenarios. The opening of the Shanghai office in 2021 puts studiokurbos in an even better position to meet the needs of the Asian market for holistic design projects. Getting started: a blank sheet of paper and a clear mission Clearly set goals are crucial For us, setting these goals together with our clients is part of every development process and forms the basis for good design We use the power of technology to make goals visible, to feel emotions, to experience interactions Our goal: sustainable branding and corporate identity through design


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