Innovation Marketing Manager- Beauty 薪资面议
上海-静安区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 发展空间大 公司规模大 弹性工作 国际化管理
孙女士 15小时前在线 已认证
You are responsible for •To be in charge of Philips Personal Health products (Beauty)innovation planning and development •Develop winning and effective product range and innovation roadmap •Drive definition, development, introduction and maintenance of the products/solutions/ lifecycle and services, in line with portfolio marketing strategy, to get the optimal combination of performance and price in time •Be responsible to define local winning proposition for each product innovation •Responsible for building and realization of the business case •Be responsible for product concept creation and validation in local market to ensure its local consumer & competition set & business relevancy •Be responsible for local launch strategy development (target, positioning, product, pricing, channel) •Work closely with BG team on product feature design and on-time delivery with high quality and local relevancy •New product development management with key deliveries • Product/range management through performance analyze and action plan generation • Gathering and deep dive analyze information of product performance, market, consumer, customer, competitors to support analysis such as SWOT, range build up, portfolio management, innovation opportunities, competition etc. •Work with MI team on product proposition/concept/pricing consumer validation •Work closely with other function teams to ensure new product launch E2E plan and execution excellence. You are a part of You will be part of Regional Marketing Combination team and report to the CMM Director. And you will collaborate with many other function teams including R&D, Design, Trade Marketing, Digital marketing, PR, E-commerce, Sales, Finance etc. To succeed in this role, you should have the following skills and experience: •Minimum 5 years of experience in marketing role with a proven track record on delivering top- and bottom-line business results •Experience with product innovation, include proposition definition and E2E lead cross functional teams to deliver new innovations to the market •University degree with Business/ Strategic Marketing direction is preferred •Experience with marketing activation, and strong understanding of consumer motivations and insights •A solid understanding of digital marketing, CRM and e-commerce. Is able to demonstrate understanding of digital landscape and multi-channel environment. •Ability to understand Profit & Loss account. •A driven, solution-oriented, analytical candidate, who is a quick decision-maker. •An organizer with excellent planning & organizational skills, being able to prioritize and manage both short term and long-term tasks/priorities and stress resistant. •An outgoing personality who is persuasive in communication, has ability to collaborate effective with and manage stakeholders and agency partners. •Excellent fluency in written/spoken Chinese and English.


荷兰皇家飞利浦公司是一家健康科技公司,致力于在从健康生活方式、疾病预防、到诊断、治疗和家庭护理的整个“健康关护全程”,凭借先进的技术、丰富的临床经验和深刻的消费者洞察,不断推出整合的创新解决方案,助力健康医疗系统实现四重目标——提高大众健康水平、提高医护人员满意度、改善患者体验,并降低关护成本。飞利浦的愿景是通过有意义的创新,令世界更健康、更可持续的发展,到2030年每年改善25亿人的生活。 飞利浦公司总部位于荷兰,2021年销售额达172亿欧元,在全球拥有大约78,000名员工,销售和服务遍布世界100多个国家。公司目前在诊断影像、图像引导治疗、病人监护、医疗信息化以及消费者健康和家庭护理领域处于领导地位。 在飞利浦,每一个人,都至关重要。这是我们始终坚持的信念。在飞利浦,你将用数字化驱动有意义的创新,积极影响自己与数十亿人的生活,践行改善人类生活的使命。我们全心营造多元包容的工作环境,平等互助的工作氛围,让你的独特之处得到充分尊重和欣赏,鼓励你释放真我,以梦为马,不负韶华。本着 “立足中国,辐射全球” 的理念,我们通过布局广泛的业务线,为你带来广阔的平台、丰富的学习资源、多样的内部发展机会,助你成为具备全球化视野和本土深度的一专多能复合型稀缺人才。 创美好,做真我,迎蜕变。 我们深信每一个你都卓尔不凡, 更期待与志同道合的你笃行致远。


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