Etch process engineer 15-25k·14薪
武汉 3-5年 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 子女福利 餐费补贴 技能培训 免费班车 定期体检 发展空间大
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职位描述: 1.Take responsibility for ETCH process development to achieve new product requirement 2. Deliver advanced process technology and define path to meet next generation product node requirement. 3. Optimize baseline process to improve product’s performance and yield 4. Understand the semiconductor industry’s road map, evaluate advance tool, new material and process, give proposal after evaluation and qualify on schedule 5. Investigate and dispose the process abnormity, root cause identified and fixed, reduce fail rate 6. Review technical literature to gain in-depth understanding of project related topics and guide problem solving and development direction 7.ETCH process routine maintenance and monitor 任职资格: 1. Master degree or above, major in microelectronics, physics, chemistry and materials 2. Can work independently and have the capability of analyzing and solving problem 3. Have ETCH experience in semiconductor process& familiar with advanced technology node experience is preferred


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