Digital Project Manager(数字化项目经理 12-20k
上海-浦东新区 3-5年 统招本科
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Digital Project Manager Team introduction The customer innovation team of Porsche Digital China is aiming to incubate innovative digital product from 0 to 1, we are focusing on topics about car enthusiastic, premium & exclusive interaction, luxury lifestyle and new technology exploration, will take brand new experience of luxury car for Porsche customers. Job Description Responsible for the project management of the Customer Innovation team, work with the project owner to achieve project goal of each phase, includes: 1. Responsible for the whole process management of digital innovation projects, including supplier communication and management, product delivery and risk management. 2. Work with the project owner to explore cross-team cooperation opportunities, be responsible for the communication, recording and follow-up of business requirements. 3. Make full use of project management tools to coordinate multiple projects, well manage the team cooperation, the project schedule, project priority and delivery quality, report the project progress and risks to the team regularly. 4. Work with the project leader to output project report materials, conduct product presentation or product training to customers. Job Requirements 1. Bachelor degree or above, 3-5 years of work experience, overseas study experience is preferred, internet company, foreign enterprise work experience is preferred. 2. Familiar with project management processes and methods, proficient in using project management tools, have multi-project management capability. 3. Flexible communication and organization skills, strong execution. 4. Proficiency in written English. 数字化项目经理 团队介绍 数字科技用户创新团队致力于从 0 到 1 孵化创新数字化产品,聚焦赛车运动、内容与社群、高端生活方式、前沿科技等课题,为保时捷车主和粉丝带来全新的豪华车体验与价值。 作为用户创新团队的一员,你将与团队一起打磨创新项目,应对各类挑战,见证新产品从概念到落地的全过程。 职位描述 负责用户创新部门项目管理工作,配合项目负责人完成阶段性交付目标,具体工作内容包括: 1、负责数字化创新项目全流程管理,包括供应商对接与管理,阶段性产品交付管理,项目风险排查与管理 2、配合项目负责人探索跨部门合作机会,负责跨部门业务需求的沟通、记录与跟进 3、充分利用项目管理工具协调多项目并行管理,合理协调团队分工,管理项目进度、优先级与交付质量,定期向团队同步项目进度与风险 4、配合项目负责人输出项目汇报材料,面向客户做产品宣讲或培训 职位要求 1、本科及以上学历,3-5 年工作经验,有海外留学经验优先,有互联网公司、外企工作经验优先 2、熟悉项目管理流程与方法,熟练应用各类项目管理工具,具备多项目管理能力 3、灵活的沟通与组织协调能力,强执行力 4、熟练的英语书面能力 人才画像 - 岗位关键绩效指标:配合产品负责人达成创新项目各阶段业务目标 - 岗位工作重点:流程管理+产品管理+客户管理 - 岗位核心能力要求:多任务管理能力(认真细心,逻辑清晰),解决问题能力(不畏难,主观能动性强,有ownership),对外沟通能力(灵活,抓重点) - 岗位关键挑战:创新项目从0到1业务流程搭建 - 岗位对标公司/产品:对标互联网公司2B产品-运营岗,软件公司2B产品-项目经理,产品营销/战略(与项目管理相关性略低,但能力素质相关)


MHP is one of the leading consulting companies and a subsidiary of Porsche AG. As a digitalization pioneer in the mobility and manufacturing industries, MHP transfers its expertise to a wide range of industries and is a premium partner for thought leaders on their way to a Better Tomorrow. MHP serves over 300 customers worldwide. Among them are leading corporations, innovative medium-sized companies and disruptive start-ups. MHP provides both operational and strategic consulting and delivers proven IT and technology expertise as well as specific industry know-how. As OneTeam, MHP operates internationally, with headquarters in Germany and subsidiaries in the US, UK, Romania and China. For over 26 years, MHP has been shaping the future together with its customers. More than 4,000 MHP employees are united by the aspiration for excellence and sustainable success. This aspiration continues to drive MHP - today and in the future.


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