Maintenance Supervisor 维修主管 薪资面议
张家口-怀安县 5-10年 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 节日礼物 定期体检 免费班车
刘女士 一周前在线 已认证
职责描述: 协助建立设备管理体系,组织、监督TPM实施,降低设备使用成本,解决设备故障,提高设备利用率。组织、培训、发展团队维修能力。 Support to establish the equipment management system, organize and implement the TPM on site, reduce the cost, solve the machine issue and increase the OEE. Organize the team to have the continually training, enhance the competence. 1. 把安全工作放在第一位,持续关注安全规范,培训维修团队,监督维修人员及外协供应商按照安全操作程序施工。 Strong safety mindset is mandatory, training the maintenance team, supervise maintenance team and third party implement action following the safety regulations. 2. 负责组织、安排车间内的所有的维修工作,包含机械、电气以及相关能源设施,确保设备正常运行使生产顺利进行。 Organize maintenance team finish all the work in the shop, including but not limited mechanical, electrical and related facility issue, guarantee all the equipment running. 3. 根据车间实际情况,结合VCMS制定适合本车间的设备管理体系,并不断更新、完善。 Establish the equipment management system which fits the shop according to the actual situation VCMS, and continual updates and improvement should be contributed to the system. 4. 组织开展TPM、5S等管理活动。 Organize the TPM, 5S in the shop. 5. 寻找有效资源,组织维修团队进行培训,开展各种有助于提高维修技能水平的演练或其他活动。 Training the maintenance team using internal and external resource, implement the useful activity which can enhance maintenance skill. 6. 负责维修团队人员管理,工作编排,沟通,团队建设,使团队保持积极向上充满活力。 Supervise the team, arrange the work load accordingly, building the strong team, keep the team member positive and energetic. 7. 制定故障管理流程。包括故障记录、原因分析、分类汇总等,组织、开展重大故障分析会并向上级管理汇报。 Establish the machine issue management process. Including but not limited failure record, root cause analysis and classification etc, hold the long stop meeting to analysis and report to the manager. 8. 负责设备保养工作,制定设备点检、巡检、PM等相关设备保养计划并监督执行。 Responsible for the PM work, establish the equipment check list, operator PM plan and maintenance PM plan and implement on site. 9. 备件采购,编制设备BOM表,根据设备运行情况申请相关备件采购。 Be responsible for the spare part purchase, edit the BOM, apply the purchase according the real running situation. 10. 备件低库存管理。 Manage to low down the spare part storage. 11. 备件低成本化管理。 Manage to low down the cost of spare part. 12. 开展持续性改善工作,组织团队对频发故障的设备部位进行改善性维修,根据生产或与生产相关部门提出的要求进行功能性改善,对老化的设备进行改造、改善,使其功能发挥最大化提高利用率,对闲置的设备进行再利用改善,使工厂运营投资最小化。Implements the improvement work on site, organize team to tackle down the repeated issue and improve the related machine or section. Improve or reconstruct the equipment according the requisition from production or related, which also be suitable for the equipment which is phasing out or phased out to maximize the Utilization, minimize the shop running cost. 13. 涉外工作联络,定期与其他车间或兄弟工厂联系业务开展情况,以借鉴其优秀的维修和管理水平。 Keeping in related resource including brother plant, supplier and sub-supplier, hold the meeting timely with brother plant to have best practice sharing including technology and management side. 14. 参与或安排维修人员参与新生产设备引入项目,把同类设备日常发现的重大设计缺陷带入项目设计中,以得到适合本公司最优的生产设备。 Deep involve into the new project, share the experience which we earn from daily maintenance like the design defect or improvement, to get a most suitable equipment for us. 15. 直线领导安排的其他工作。 Other work assigned by line manager. 任职要求: Experience Required: 经验要求: Minimum 5 years’ maintenance management experiences in automotive industry; 5年以上汽车行业相关维修管理工作经验 熟悉发动机工厂机加工设备:加工中心,清洗机,试漏设备,珩磨机,动平衡,淬火设备,磨床,抛光设备,机器人和Gantry等,熟悉液压系统,气动系统和西门子840D数控系统。 5 year’s experience in the auto industrial maintenance area. Familiar with the engine plant equipment like Machining center, washer, leak tester, honing machine, dynamic balance machine, grinding machine, polishing machine, robot and Gantry etc; familiar with the hydraulic system and pneumatic system and SIEMENS 840D CNC system. Competencies: 能力: 1. 具备良好的逻辑分析能力; Good analysis ability. 2. 能快速掌握设备工作原理; Fast to learn the machine working principle 3. 在自身涉及的维修专业方面具有较高的技能水平; Good maintenance skill. 4. 具备良好的沟通、协调、管理能力; Good communication, cooperation and management ability. 5. 具备良好的英语应用能力; Good English ability. 6. 具有项目、调试经验者优先。 Good experience in the project and machine commissioning work.


张家口极光湾发动机制造有限公司原为张家口沃尔沃汽车发动机制造有限公司,坐落于河北省张家口市南山产业园区,总占地面积22.6万平方米。 张家口发动机工厂在规划、建设、生产流程等方面严格遵循沃尔沃汽车全球统一的VCMS(沃尔沃汽车生产制造体系Volvo Car Manufacturing System)标准,公司规划有缸体、缸盖及曲轴3条机加工生产线、高压直喷燃油分配器装配线、内装装配线、外装装配线(含AGV自动导引小车)、点火热试台架以及的测功机(兼顾产品质量抽测及研发耐久实验),三条机加工生产线已全部量产。 在张家口发动机工厂的电动机生产线项目是沃尔沃汽车集团在全球范围内启动的第一条电动机生产线项目。目前,张家口工厂首条电机生产线实现量产,产品已成功搭载于XC40混合动力汽车。


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