
珠宝/首饰· 服装/纺织/皮革· 工艺品· 1000-2000人

A creator, artisan and seller of high-quality objects since 1837, Hermès is an independent, family-owned French house that employs more than 14,000 people worldwide. Driven by its permanent entrepreneurial spirit and consistently high standards, Hermès cultivates the freedom and autonomy of each individual through responsible management. The company perpetuates the transmission of exceptional know-how through strong territorial presence that respects people and nature, a source of exceptional materials. Fifteen artisanal métiers nurture the creativity of the house, whose collections are presented in over 300 stores around the world. 爱马仕始于1837年,是一家忠于传统手工艺并集创作、手工制作与销售于一体的法国家族企业,如今在全球雇佣超过14,000名员工。秉持可持续发展和精益求精的精神,爱马仕以其有效的管理制度,培养出每位员工独立自主的工作方式。将以人为本和重视资源的理念深入到方方面面,爱马仕对品质的坚持和其精湛工艺,也得以代代延续和传承。十五种部类都满载爱马仕的无限创造力,并被呈现在全球300多家专卖店中。
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