
整车制造· 50-99人

关于伟博思通: 伟博思通集团是创建于1901年的家族企业,公司总部位于德国慕尼黑附近的斯多克道夫。伟博思通在全球拥有50多家分支机构(其中30多个为生产基地),致力于汽车车顶系统和加热系统业务。同时,伟博思通也是世界100强汽车零配件供应商之一。在全球12,000多名员工的努力下,公司2015年的销售额突破了29亿欧元。公司的核心竞争力包括可折叠式车顶和车身系统,乘用车、商用车、房车、船舶和特种车辆的加热系统、空调系统和通风系统的研发和生产。更多信息请访问***************** About Webasto: Webasto Group based in Stockdorf near Munich has been a family-owned business ever since the company was founded in 1901. The group operates internationally at over 50 locations (over 30 of these production plants) in the divisions roof and thermo systems. Webasto is one of the *********utomotive suppliers worldwide. For 2015 the Group realized a sales volume of 2.9 Billion Euros and employs over 12,000 employees. The company´s core competencies encompass the development, production and sales of complete roof and convertible systems as well as heating, cooling and ventilation systems for passenger cars, commercial and special vehicles, recreational vehicles and boats. For more information please visit ***************
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