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美卓奥图泰是全球骨料、矿物加工、全球冶炼和回收行业可持续技术、系统解决方案和服务的先行者。公司在赫尔辛基纳斯达克上市,总部位于芬兰赫尔辛基,在50多个国家拥有超过15,000名员工。2019年并销售额总合达到约42亿欧元。我们凭借产品和工艺专业知识,为客户提高能源和水资源效率、提高生产率并降低环境风险,我们是实现积极变革的合作伙伴。 美卓奥图泰大中华区在北京、天津、上海、苏州、韶关和衢州设有独资公司或工厂,有约1000名员工。除此之外,在江苏常州有美奥与柳工的合资工厂。 Metso Outotec is a frontrunner in sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions and services for the aggregates, minerals processing, metals refining and recycling industries globally. Metso Outotec is listed in Helsinki NASDAQ, headquarter office located in Helsinki, Finland. Our business areas located in more than 50 countries, owning more than 15000 employees. The sales amount of Metso Outotec reached 4.2 billion euros in 2019. By improving our customers’ energy and water efficiency, increasing their productivity and reducing environmental risks with our process and product expertise, we are the partner for positive change. Metso Outotec Great China has about 1000 employees in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Shaoguan and Quzhou with wholly owned companies or factories. In addition, there is a joint venture factory between Metso Outotec and Liugong in Changzhou, Jiangsu province. 我们的全球价值观是:雄心永驻、客户至上、协作成事、真诚开放。 Our core values are High Ambition – Always, Customer in center, Get it done – together, Open and honest. 我们诚邀热爱本行业,认同美奥文化,愿做美奥人的你加入我们,一起完成美奥的使命——开辟具有中国特色的创新之路!一起完成美奥的愿景——我们是业务增长率全球高的市场区域! 衢州工厂是美卓奥图泰公司在中国成立的***铸造企业,美卓奥图泰重工(衢州)有限公司主要从事美卓备品备件和磨耗件的生产制造。旨在服务于以中国为核心的亚太区市场。注册资本12000万元,占地面积为62,000 平米,建筑面积为35,200 平米,员工300余人。工厂的建立保证了美卓奥图泰磨耗件的产品质量,并使得产品的供应更加灵活、高效,进一步增强了美卓奥图泰在中国市场的服务能力,在实现“植根中国、服务中国”的战略成功方面发挥重要作用。 更多了解美奥的途径,您可以通过关注美奥微信公众号“美卓奥图泰”获取更多信息。
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