Digitalization Coordinator 8-10k·14薪
南通-如皋 1-3年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 定期体检 免费班车 带薪年假 弹性工作
储先生 29分钟前在线 已认证
A brief summary of the provided position as below The digitalization coordinator is responsible for developing and maintain the digital tools by Office 365 and Power Apps etc. to support the operation of future chassis workshop. Working closely with each function team and support them to continuously improve the way of working, can develop tools, train the users and follow up the effect independently. Helping the organization to develop a future plant with high level of quality and digitalization. To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily: Assist Project team to develop, implement, maintain digital project management tools. Responsible for internal demand research about digital tools in Chassis department. Support the data visualization management by using tools like Power BI etc. Assist automation team in new program development. Train the users to use Microsoft software better, like Teams, Outlook, Office365 etc. Benchmark with other internal and external factories, share and learn the best practice from each other. Other relative tasks as assigned. To perform this job successfully, an individual must meet the minimum qualifications. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Education and/or Experience Bachelor’s degree or above, new graduates                  Major in Computer Science, Automation related field Related internship experience in a multinational company will be preferred Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Good communication skills and interpersonal relationship skills. Good team spirit Familiar with Power BI Familiar with knowledge of database(SQL language) Familiar with Ignition Good office software skills, like Teams, Outlook, Office365 etc. Enthusiastic in work and strong sense and responsibility Good command of English


斯堪尼亚是交通运输解决方案提供商,我们致力于与我们的客户和合作伙伴一起携手,向可持续交通系统的转变。2018年,我们向客户交付了88,000台卡车、8,500辆巴士以及12,800台工业和船用发动机;净销售额达到1,371.26亿瑞典克朗,与上一年度相比增长11%。盈收达到138.32亿瑞典克朗。斯堪尼亚成立于1891年,业务遍及100 多个国家和地区,全球员工约52,000名。 研发中心位于瑞典,并在巴西和印度设立分支机构。生产部门集中在欧洲、拉美和亚洲,同时在非洲、亚洲和欧亚大陆也有区域生产中心。斯堪尼亚为TRATON SE的成员企业之一。 从1891年成立之初的一家私营火车车厢制造厂,到如今的行业前行的可持续交通解决方案提供者,斯堪尼亚经历百年风雨洗礼,始终屹立于全球商用车市场之巅,继续书写着成功篇章。 2004年,斯堪尼亚在中国设立代表处,2007年斯堪尼亚销售(中国)有限公司成立。2010年,基于对中国市场的信心和植根中国长期发展的策略,斯堪尼亚集团在中国成立了中国战略中心。2016年,斯堪尼亚中国将总部职能转移至上海。2018年,凝结十年研发心血、200亿瑞典克朗投资的全新一代斯堪尼亚在中国上市。 2020年11月,斯堪尼亚制造(中国)有限公司在江苏南通的如皋市注册成立。将在未来的3~5年内,南通如皋将会成为斯堪尼亚继欧洲,拉丁美洲之后第三大中国生产制造中心,让我一起携手共创未来。


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