Client Change Manager 20-30k
广州-天河区 5-10年 本科
带薪年假 五险一金
梁女士 15小时前在线 已认证
  • .NET
职责描述: The Client Change Management (CCM) team in Securities Services (SSv) provide dedicated support to key clients in response to Client Initiated Change Requests. The role will be accountable for the overall portfolio of change including prioritisation, planning and delivery a body of client changes for his/her assigned SSv clients. What you’ll do: 1. Provide support for client throughout the delivery of client change requests and ensure progress/issues are clearly communicated to the client. 2. Plan and control the change request delivery process across internal SSv teams. Manage and ensure consistent approach for the change request process across platforms. 3. Facilitate the client change process from identification, requirements gathering, impact assessment, prioritization support, implementation planning and monitoring. 4. Produce and track key Change MI and KPIs across all within the CCM team, reporting regularly and accurately, both to clients and for internal status updates / risk management purposes. 5. Ensure consistent governance within the CCM team, via standard regular reporting, financial control, RAID management, stakeholder management, resource management and other applicable robust controls throughout the change request management cycle. 6. Collaborate with our clients and internal teams to ensure that changes being delivered are fit for purpose and ready for adoption into production. 7. Build key relationships with internal HSS stakeholders, ensuring that CCM team is aware of the forward load/roadmap and have the necessary plans in place to assist with delivery of these within the agreed parameters of the project. 8. Evolve and improve change request processes and refine the approaches, methods and tools used to deliver change to clients in an efficient and cost effective manner. Continually develop own subject matter expertise in SSv Business Functions, Products, Systems & Processes. 9. Ensure compliance with all relevant internal instructions (FIMs, GSMs, circulars), internal control standards and external regulatory requirements, including the management of operational risk and adherence to the Group’s standards of ethical behavior. Challenge where best practice/behavior is not evident, so that the team continues to improve and reduce/eliminate errors. 10. Maintain an awareness of topical market initiatives and in particular changes to legislation in Financial Services. 任职要求: 1. Experience in Client facing role. Experience in a Fund Administration, Transfer Agency, Custody or Investment Management field. 2. Disciplined project management professional with demonstrable experience in the management of multiple parallel projects (small – medium) and the application of robust governance standards, including management of cost. 3. Experience managing, negotiating and influencing external clients and stakeholder including regulators. 4. Adding teams, supporting team development, capability uplift and performance management 5. Able to demonstrate ability to build relationships with C-Suite/ Senior stakeholders and networks across the business. Familiarity with project management approaches, tools and phases of the project lifecycle. 6. Proven ability to prioritise competing demands. Strong analytic and decision making abilities. 7. Must be a team player and able to work with and through others. 8. Exceptional communication skills – both written and verbal. 9. Change orientated with a focus on continuous improvement. Highly energetic and delivery focused, with the ability to deliver quality results with a challenging but positive and influential style. 10. Flexible approach and the ability to handle a varied portfolio of initiatives and a high workload.


汇丰环球营运中心 - 中国 汇丰集团 汇丰控股有限公司是汇丰集团的母公司,总部设于伦敦。集团业务遍布欧洲、亚洲、北美洲、拉丁美洲,以及中东和北非63个国家及地区设有办事处,为全球客户服务。于2022年9月30日,集团的资产达29,920亿美元,是全球规模较大的银行和金融服务机构之一。 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司是汇丰集团的创始成员,透过旗下三大环球业务,包括财富管理及个人银行、工商金融、以及环球银行及资本市场,为全球客户服务。 汇丰环球营运中心中国 汇丰环球营运中心中国成立于1996年。 汇丰环球营运中心中国在广州和佛山拥有三个环球营运中心,分别位于广州汇丰大厦、广州太古汇办公大楼以及位于广东省金融高新区的汇丰银行大厦,由汇丰环球客户服务(广东)有限公司统一管理,共同为汇丰集团世界各地的分支机构提供营运支援服务。 汇丰环球客户服务(广东)有限公司为汇丰集团在香港、英国、美国、加拿大、日本、中国大陆、新加坡和澳门的分支机构提供多种语言的优质服务,包括广东话、普通话、英语、日语、韩语和泰语。 我们非常重视日常工作的质量,例如为客户处理各种申请以及付款交易,这将为客户带来不一样的体验,并最终帮助业务增长。我们正在改革提供服务的方式,以反映客户期望的理财途径,即电子化程度更高、能即时实现以及先进的移动设备。我们拥有一支年轻、多元化且充满抱负的员工队伍,因此我们努力提供良好的工作环境,务求让人人都产生归属感并能发挥自身潜力。 由于业务发展迅速,自25年前公司创立以来,员工人数也从最初60名员工的团队发展成今天超过13,000名金融服务人员的专业团队,为汇丰集团世界各地的分支机构提供如下服务: 1. 数据分析(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 2. 银行卡及贷款服务 3. 风险管控运营中心 4. 客户及账户管理服务(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 5. 催收 6. 合规稽查 7. 客户联络中心(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 8. 信贷分析(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 9. 客户尽职调查 10. 数字化客户管理服务 11. 财务营运 12. 金融犯罪风险合规 13. 环球数据中心 14. 印务及电子出版 15. 环球调研 16. 环球员工背景审查 17. 第三方供应商管理中心 18. 环球贸易及供应链服务 19. 人力资源营运 20. 国际客户开户服务 21. 市场及证券服务 22. 按揭服务 23. 财富管理及私人银行服务 24. 营运变革 25. 付款筛查服务 26. 付款服务 27. 退休金服务 28. 风险及合规营运 29. 并购融资业务执行 30. 承保服务


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1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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