资深电源工程师 35-50k·13薪
深圳 10年以上 大专
五险一金 年终奖金 定期体检 带薪年假
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岗位:Senior Power Supply Component Engineer * 关键词:电源设计,电源测试 * 工作经验:10年以上,本科学历以上(学信网可查) * 英语:听说读写要求优秀,需要和美国/印度同事交流 * 工作地点: 优先深圳,如无合适人选其它城市也可考虑 塔塔TCS福利:外企大平台,固定十三薪;早九晚六、周末双休;五险一金,商业保险(可惠及家人);定期体检,年度调薪;带薪年假+带薪病假 客户:外企(驻场客户现场 深圳office) Role & Responsibility: • Advanced technology and new product qualification for networking power supply (AC-DC, DC-DC, or HVAC/HVDC external power modules), including but not limited to: o Advanced technology/design reliability evaluation like  Immersion cooling, Cold plat cooling  High power density & efficiency (Titanium+) design by wide bandgap switch devices like GaN/SiC o Assess customized power supply design robustness, reliability for high reliable applications. o Craft and process technical reviews/audits to ensure sustainable manufacturing readiness. • Work with power vendors for power supply life cycle quality management to meet the defined targets. • Assess business impacting/critical issue by driving root cause failure analysis, risk containment and corrective actions. • Assess and develop Cisco power vendors’ design & manufacturing key capability to meet the desired requirements. • Partner with Cisco power commodity team and engineering stakeholders to develop power commodity technology strategy and preferred suppliers’ selection. Requirements: • BSEE (minimum) or MSEE or above (preferred) • Minimum 15 years of experience as power design engineer. o Design experience on the advanced technology is preferred like immersion cooling, GaN high density design etc. o It is preferred to have experience of technical lead ever worked/working for power industry leading company. • Familiar with the methodology of power supply design quality and reliability assessment. • Knowledge of power supply manufacturing process is expected. • Demonstrates ability to successfully influence win-win cross-functional dynamics. • Shown success in delivering results in a fast-paced, multi-disciplinary team environment. • Good communication and presentation skills in English


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