化工产品项目经理 18-25k·14薪
常州-武进区 5-10年 本科
陈女士 18分钟前在线 已认证
  • 设计项目
  • 质量管理
  • 数据分析
  • 项目管理师
  • GRE
− Responsible for organizing the daily operation of the product team, ensuring the progress and quality of product related projects负责组织产品团队的组建和日常运营,确保项目进度和质量的达成 − Conducting market research to identify customer needs and preferences. 负责产品需求分析和架构的建 立,制定产品设计方案,确保产品满足用户的痛点和需求 − Developing product strategies that align with company goals, industry trends and customer needs. 负责公 司产品的整体规划和布局,明确产品愿景和目标,确保产品与公司战略的一致性 − Collaborating with research and technical teams to create product concepts and prototypes, ensuring every step of the product development process proceeds as planned (on time, on budget, meeting planned performance)负责协调产品与公司其他部门的接口,确保产品的上线和维护工作能够与公司其他部门的顺利 协同 − Preparing cost planning and analysis when developing a new product开发新项目前的成本分析准备 − Presenting new ideas/opportunities to executives负责收集并分析用户反馈,对产品进行持续优化,确保产 品的用户体验和满意度 Upcoming Development Projects Qualifications︱任职条件 What are required for the candidate to fulfill the responsibilities︱完成本职位工作所需要的条件 Education background 教育背景 - Bachelor degree or above 本科以上学历 Work experience 相关工作经验 - 5 years project management skill 5 年以上项目经理工作经验 - 2 years research and development experience under a proficient product development manager 2 年研发经验 Competencies required, certificates, training 对专业能 力及相关证书、培训的要求 - With keen product insight and strong data analysis ability, able to accurately grasp user needs and market trends 具有敏锐的产品洞察力和较 强的数据分析能力,能够准确地把握用户需求和市场趋势 - Management skills (leadership/teamwork/ communication skill, etc.) 管理技能如领导力、沟通、团队 合作、影响力等 - Highly structured with great time planning and -management capabilities - Solid project management skills in a well structured company, advanced skills in project management, budgeting, timely completion, and organizing tasks of several projects at the same time 具备良好的项目管理能力,能够有 效地管理时间和资源,确保项目进度和质量的达成 Soprema China Human Resources page2 SCC/QR-HR&AD-008 - A great deal of collaboration skills to work with teams with various backgrounds requires 具备良好的沟通协调能力,能够有效地与其他部门进 行合作和沟通 Social skills & personality (attitude, emotion, etc.) 社交技能及个性要求,如态度、 情绪控制等 - Works very efficiently under high pressure - Positive and solution oriented; result focussed, structured mindset; matured, energetic, curious, ambitious, rational 积极向上,善于解决问 题;注重结果、有条理的思维模式;成熟、精力充沛、好奇、雄心勃勃、理 性 Language 语言 Working level English (reading/writing/oral) Working level Chinese (reading/writing/oral


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