Telematics System Test Senior Engineer /车联网测试高级工程师 薪资面议
上海-浦东新区 3-5年 统招本科
张先生 8小时前在线 已认证
  • 车载信息娱乐系统
  • T-box
  • OTA
  • JIRA
  • 乘用车
  • 英语
  • CAN
Based within DPP (digital product platform) Centre of Competence, and part of the In Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) department Validation and Verification function, the telematics squad is focus on telematics on-board feature validation & localization tests, such as eCall, bCall, remote control, China NEV, etc. Telematics functionalities make JLR all model lines intelligent and interconnected, providing a technological foundation on-board to access to the Internet, enabling the remote interactions between the user and the car. This role can adapt to the Agile squad. The focus of this role would be lead the activities for Test Plan and Test Strategy definition and execution. Telematics Test Engineer ensures that defined V&V process is followed and adjusted when needed. Besides, he or she shall have self-learning skills, to understand the product requirements and make sure the test cases, especially the input-output data, fulfill the test purpose based on the requirements. The role will also include lead definition of level of automation and requirements for test tools (logging equipment, Hardware in the Loop benches, automation tools…), applying appropriate Test Techniques (Dynamic & Static), Test Design & Implementation. Key Performance Indicators • Quality of defined Test Plan & Test Strategy • Progress on V&V delivery against test plan in terms of schedule and target • Number of analyzed requirements and quality of inputs for reviews provided • Level of achieved test automation • Quality of defined Test Tools requirements by System Test Engineers • Appropriate Test Techniques applied. • Test documentation quality provided • Agility and fast alignment through efficient communication. Key Accountabilities and Responsibilities • Telematics Test Plan & Test Strategy definition. • Progress on V&V delivery against test plan in terms of schedule and target. • Responsible for system requirements analysis, reviews, and improvements process. • Lead the Test case design, development, and implementation. • Ensure that a certain level of achieved Test Automation is defined and applied. • Responsible for defining Test Tools requirements: logging equipment, Hardware in the Loop (open/close loops), automation tools etc. • Responsible for applying appropriate Test Techniques (Dynamic and Static). • Responsible for achieving full requirements coverage. • Lead Test Results reviews and Test Data analysis. • Support Agile team in test related activities. Knowledge, Skills and Experience Essential • 5+ years’ experience working in automotive electronics industry or similar. • 3+ years’ experience working with vehicle telematics products and features: ecall, bcall, OTA, China NEV, etc. • Experience with In-the-Loop XIL testing methodologies MIL, SIL and HIL. • Experience of development of XIL Solutions that adhere to product development. • Experience in with Vector tools / NI software • Experience using agile work items tools such as JIRA for Task Management and Confluence for documentation. • Knowledge of Agile, continuous integration and deployment with exposure to GitLab CI/CD, Jira, etc. • Effective communication, organization, and presentation skills: English - oral and writing is essential. • Knowledge of vehicle communication networks, CAN, FlexRay, Ethernet, etc. • Knowledge of automation testing solutions, experience in the related tools and methodology. Exposure to behavior-based testing approaches. Desirable : • ISTQB /ISO26262 standard knowledge • Basic knowledge or experience in ANY programming language, e.g., C, C++, Phyton, etc. • Experience of homologation test or national compliance test is a plus. • Knowledge of vehicle electrical architecture and diagnostic methods is a plus. Personal Profile Essential: • Engineering background: bachelor’s or master’s degree. • English - oral communication and writing is essential. • Good problem-solving skills, attention to detail and a powerful sense of responsibility. • Ability to work independently and multi-task in a fast-paced environment. • Work in Agile, knowledge of Agile tools as Jira or Xray • Ability to work under pressure with minimal guidance. Self-motivated and able to prioritize conflicting demands effectively. • Ability to solve problems, formulate a solution and drive this through to delivery in a validated manner. • Excellent time, project, and communication skills. Desirable: • An individual with the ability to challenge existing thinking in a positive way whilst building credibility and trust through experience and personal style. • Ability to identify gaps and create tasks to fill them. • Freely and proactively shares knowledge with others.


作为英国历史悠久的豪华汽车制造商,2021年,捷豹路虎提出“重塑未来”全球战略,强调以可持续性发展为基石,通过设计赋能,定义新现代豪华主义。2023年,捷豹路虎发布“重塑未来”全球战略最新举措——品牌重塑策略与电动化进程,致力于为每个品牌打造独树一帜的品牌个性,以此加速企业愿景落地。 在可持续发展趋势的背景下,捷豹路虎致力于以更灵活的业务运营模式,以成为全球最令人向往的新现代豪华主义品牌创造者为目标,服务最尊崇的消费者。放眼2039年,捷豹路虎将达到贯穿整个供应链、产品研发及运营的净零碳排放目标。电动化是“重塑未来”战略的核心,捷豹路虎目标在2030年前成为全面电动化的新现代豪华主义汽车制造商,揽胜、发现和卫士品牌家族将陆续推出纯电动车型,而捷豹品牌将实现全面电动化。 中国市场以成为“重塑未来”全球战略落地的先锋部队为目标。自2010年进入中国市场以来,捷豹路虎在上海、北京、广州和成都四地设立办公室,并在全国范围内拥有近240家授权经销商,致力于为中国消费者提供优质的新现代豪华主义产品与尊崇服务体验。同时,捷豹路虎不断丰富在华产品布局,深入推进本土化进程。目前,全新Ingenium英杰力2.0升发动机及五款车型均已在华投产。 植根中国,深耕本土,捷豹路虎中国始终将企业社会责任作为企业战略的重要组成部分,不断深入践行对中国市场的长期承诺。2014年,捷豹路虎中国携手中国宋庆龄基金会成立“中国宋庆龄基金会捷豹路虎中国青少年梦想基金”。 9年来,梦想基金聚焦创新素质教育、社会关爱、中英交流、灾难救助四大领域,开展了“路虎关爱无止境—青少年视力关爱项目”、“捷豹·托特纳姆热刺校园足球项目”、“梦想课堂”等公益IP项目,以更加专业、高效、创新的方式助力更多青少年实现梦想!截至目前,捷豹路虎中国已投入近1亿元,惠及超过60万名青少年,为他们带去成长的力量和充满希望的未来。


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