临床应用专员CAS 10-20k
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Main task: 1) Provide technical and clinical training, education and ongoing clinical support to train surgeons and Operating Room (OR) staff on the approved use and application of Alcon’s Cataract and Refractive Surgical Device products. 2) Provide on-site and/or remote clinical application support to customers by providing scientific and technical information in response to inquiries regarding approved use of Alcon medical devices. 3) Ensure successful implementation of all equipment and software upgrades at clinical sites for all relevant devices. 4) Provide clear and accurate documentation of each site visit via a standardized reporting mechanism (CRM Tool) within 48 hours of completion of the visit. 5) Identify and report all adverse events and device deficiencies to Medical Safety per company protocol. 6) Refer inquiries related to unapproved uses of technologies. 7) Address reports of Adverse Events requiring root cause analysis and requests for feedback/input from physicians as requested by Clinical Applications management in cooperation with Medical Safety, as appropriate. 8) Collaborate as appropriate with Field Service Engineers to support clinical sites on new installations, site support and trouble shooting. 9) Collaborate as appropriate with the Field Service team and Sales Reps to ensure clinical training is scheduled for new installations and needs for ongoing surgical support. Provide constant feedback to R&D via approved communication plan on clinical performance of products. 10) Respond to unsolicited requests for information related to Alcon medical devices, per SOPs and Ethics and Compliance Guidelines. 11) Attend and support Medical Congresses, fellowships, conferences, exhibits, seminars, and wet-labs as requested by Clinical Applications management. 12) Assist with convention demonstrations as deemed appropriate by management per SOPs. 13) Achieve clinical certifications to meet requirements and scope of responsibilities. Requirments: 1) Bachelor’s degree or above, major in Science 2) 2 years of related experience or equivalent years of relevant experience 3) Overall 3+ years of ophthalmology / medical device experience in clinical, sales or marketing roles is preferred. 4) Local language; fluent English level is preferred.


爱尔康成立于1947年,作为全球眼科保健行业的佼佼者,自成立以来一直专注于眼健康领域,帮助人们看得清晰,活得精彩。2019年4月,爱尔康在瑞士证券交易所和纽约证券交易所同步上市。企业继续通过创新的技术,改善眼病治疗方法,提升大众视觉质量,与大家共见精彩! **总部位于瑞士日内瓦 **产品惠及140多个国家的数百万患者 **在全球拥有来自100多个国家和民族的2万多名员工 **拥有超过100个在研项目和1400名专业研发员工 爱尔康于1995年成立中国公司,总部位于北京,拥有近千名员工。自成立以来,爱尔康致力于为国内眼科专家、患者和消费者提供更好的解决方案。 **1家 爱尔康体验中心 **7家 超乳培训中心 **3个 办公室(北京、上海、广州) **20所 Wetlab **助力完成逾百万例白内障超声乳化手术 爱尔康拥有丰富的眼健康产品,通过创新和突破性技术成就了企业在眼科及视力保健领域的地位,并以此改善了治疗眼病和提升视觉质量的方法。 **眼科手术产品:植入性产品、手术设备和耗材 **视力保健产品:隐形眼镜、隐形眼镜护理液 **干眼药品 爱尔康致力于在产品的全生命周期内管理企业生态足迹,以此实现可持续增长。在尽可能实现产品最 高标准的安全性和质量的同时,企业也在寻求并开发切实的解决方案来减少能源、材料的使用和浪费。 通过企业的公益项目,我们每年协助各类组织向全球数十万患者提供免费眼科手术,帮助他们重获光明。每年,爱尔康全球员工积极参与各种社区活动,帮扶邻里,共同建设美好家园。我们为世界各地的眼科从业者提供学习项目,促进行业水平的提升,造福更多患者。我们每年都帮助数以百万计的患者获得更好的视力。 **爱尔康支持 Vision Spring、Mercy Ships、Orbis 和其他更多慈善组织 **爱尔康每年的产品捐赠超过 5000 万美元 **爱尔康通过支持医疗特派团,帮助了400,000多名患者 **爱尔康支持 90 多个国家的眼睛护理项目


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