报价助理 5-6k
泉州-晋江 1-3年 大专
李女士 一周前在线 已认证
岗位职责: 1. 向供应商询问材料价格以及交期 2. 整理,综合报价资料,向客户报价 3. 分类保存各供应商的报价资料 4. 为相关部门提供各类报价咨询 5. 完成主管交代的其余事宜 岗位要求: 1. 有从事外贸型鞋业、制造业中报价岗位的长期打算 2、熟练读、写英语报价资料; 3、工作仔细,具良好的职业道德; 4、有相关1年工作经验者优先


Advanced Manufacturing Group is the best-in-class choice for retailers and brands for footwear design, development, and manufacturing. We are an integrated solution, working side-by-side with our customers in the ideation and execution of product. By combining our customers vision for footwear with AMG’s decades of experience in development and manufacturing, AMG can innovate and add value to our customers business.Company History:Through the 1990’s, our organization grew into Indonesia and launched a specialty production facility with Yue Yuen Group in Fujian. After merging manufacturing with Yue Yuen and focusing on supply chain support for our clientele, AMG expanded offices further in Guang Dong, China in 2001 then opening our standalone facility in 2004 in Fujian, China, which has served to become our base of operations since—housing our sample room, laboratory, development offices, design headquarters, production planning and technical services hub. In 2011, we expanded into Cambodia and Vietnam—with offices in Phnom Penh and Hanoi managing production with partner facilities. By 2019, AMG are operating in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, and the United States managing the supply chain for brands and retailers in over 100 countries.Services:AMG is flexible. Our service model can adapt to our customers specific business needs. We create solutions in every step of the development to the manufacturing process to make our customers products grow.AMG’s supply chain management is collaborative and comprehensive. Starting with the white space at a consumer level and following all the way through to at-retail quality testing, AMG manages systems in design, product development, commercialization, production planning, quality control, and assurance to ensure the integrity of our customers supply chain in whatever region our customers seek to develop and produce.


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