University Guidance Counsellor 升学指导顾问 12-20k
北京-大兴区 3-5年 本科
五险一金 绩效奖金 定期体检 发展空间大 管理规范 免费午餐 补充医疗保险 子女入学
贾女士 一周前在线 已认证
人力资源及外事专员 · 北京耀华国际教育学校
Overall Description: The UGC is responsible for assisting students to make well-informed decisions regarding course selection, choice of University and Major, and their ultimate career path. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Students · Deliver and teach the career/university guidance curriculum provided by the Organisation. · Advise students, as a group, on the importance and implications of subject selection prior to the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). Advise students individually in the year prior to entering International Baccalaureate (IB) /A level courses. Answering individual student queries when required. · Provide regular, individual counselling to assigned students in the two years prior to graduating on the whole university application process, from subject selection, destination, identifying and short-listing choice of university and major, to advise on the writing personal statements/application essays, to departure. · Where appropriate provide counselling to all grade level students on topics including subject selection, summer programmes, internships skills, qualities and attributes, university fairs. · Meet regularly with parents both on an individual and group basis for the two years prior to entrance to university. · Attend information sessions to discuss and offer advice on the overall university application process. · Keep students and parents up-to-date with regard to various deadlines in the university application process. · Write references for all university applications, including meeting with coordinators and teachers for analysis of student potential. · Collect and administer predicted grades and comments. · Guide students to complete and submit university applications, which may includereferences, essays and transcripts, etc. · Plan, organise and deliver pre-departure activities and information for graduating students to prepare them for their university experience. Universities and Other Institutions · Represent the school at various meetings and conferences. · Develop and maintain relationships with university representatives through planning a calendar of university visits to the school and hosting and coordinating such visits. · Prepare and give presentations of background material to make the school and students known to university representatives and admissions officers. · Liaise with universities to ensure up-to-date information including academic programmes, admissions policies, scholarships offered, plus financial policies and procedures. · Ensure that the school maintains affiliations with professional organisations and attend relevant conferences. School · Meet with the Co-Principals regularly to give reports and updates. · Work with the Coordinator, Department Heads and subject teachers in the school. · Develop good lines of communication with teachers to obtain academic information on students. · Handle highly sensitive information with discretion. · Work closely with the school’s English Department on providing extra guidance to students with their personal statements and admission essays. · Organise and deliver workshops for teachers to keep them informed of the role and responsibilities of the UGC and provide them with guidance on writing subject references/ recommendations. · Where appropriate, provide educational and career programmes for students from relevant levels · Deliver presentations during school IGCSE and IB/A level Information Evenings. · Organise the school’s university information evenings. Managing the operations of the University Guidance Office (UGO) · Promote the UGO and its work to the school community. · Oversee and manage the daily operation of the school UGO. · Oversee, manage and monitor the UGO budget. · Develop and maintain a fully-equipped and up-to-date university and career resource centre. · Plan, implement and publish student guidelines for university applications. · Develop and update checklists and timelines for senior students regarding the university application process. · Ensure that accurate and up-to-date student and school records are maintained. · Ensure all confidential information is kept in a safe and secure manner. · Be proactive in representing the school in networking events and activities where there is the prospect to strengthen the relationships relevant to university admissions and counselling. · Where appropriate, correspond with alumni to solicit their views and recommendations regarding their universities. These duties may be amended to meet the changing demands of the school at the discretion of the School Leadership Team. Professional Development: As a reflective learner who takes responsibility for their professional development and progression (taking into account the school’s priorities and their own professional needs), an UGC is expected to make full use of the opportunities and training provided by the school. Appraisal: There will be an annual review undertaken by the Co-principals. Performance will be measured against the skills and responsibilities (including the qualities listed above) and specific targets negotiated annually as part of performance management. Requirements and Qualifications: 1. Excellent inter-personal and communication 2. Bachelors or Masters degrees ideally from overseas 3. 3-5 years related UGC working experience in international schools or international department of local schools 4. Familiarity with university admission policies, timelines and procedures for various countries 5. Familiarity with TOEFL, IELTS, SAT and other relevant university examinations processes 6. Patience, perseverance and a positive attitude 7. Willingness to serve students and families and to offer impartial and fully balanced advice


耀华国际教育学校提倡全人教育,致力创建积极、关爱、愉悦、充满欣赏的教育环境,为学生提供理想的学习及生活经历。学校提供多元化的课程,致力把国际教育带到您的家园,使学生不出国门,也能真切体验国际教育氛围,接受优质的中英双语教育。耀华竭力培养孩子对不同文化的理解和尊重,培养孩子自信、健康的人格,成就既有深厚中国文化底蕴、又拥有国际视野的人才。 耀华国际教育学校建基于耀中国际学校多年在香港及内地城市推行优质国际教育的经验之上。成立于1932年的耀中在过去90年间,致力培育学生掌握面对国际议题及21世纪挑战所需的技能,耀中及耀华所建设的独特课程体系得到世界的广泛认同。 位于北京亦庄保华国际教育园的耀华国际教育学校拥有完整的课程体系,课程涵盖国际幼儿园、小学、及中学,为亦庄地区、北京市及邻近城市的适龄学生提供优质的双轨制国际化教育。耀华提供的国际教育可让学生在任何学段连接世界各地的学校。


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