全栈开发工程师 30-60k
上海-浦东新区 5-10年 统招本科
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java后台开发 · 思爱普
  • 全栈开发
  • 后端开发
  • 前端开发
  • Web开发
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Spring Boot
  • 大数据领域
  • 人工智能领域
  • IT/信息化领域
SAP HANA & Analytics - SAP Analytics Cloud Shanghai team is responsible for building a cloud design environment in SAC to enable analytics designers to create centrally governable analytic content, ranging from dashboards achieved through guided analytics to sophisticated planning and smart applications. Internally, SAP Analytics Cloud is tightly integrated within S/4 and other cloud solutions like SuccessFactors, Ariba, Qualtrics... Externally, our strong ISV and partner channels are using SAP Analytics Cloud to provide many more exciting added values to their solutions. Details please check out: ********************************************************************* SAP Analytics Cloud Shanghai team is seeking for highly motivated and energetic talents. Joining us, you will be working on innovated projects to grow your career in a professional agile software development environment and working closely with global teams to contribute to our industry cloud products and solutions with cutting edge technologies. EXPECTATIONS AND TASKS: You will join the development team and be responsible for delivering components and services. Elaborate, implement and test new features. Maintain complaint and nonconformance processing through records and tracking systems, including root cause and corrective actions. Document quality assurance activities with internal reporting and audits. SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS: Good English reading and documentation Analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills Experience in full lifecycle of product development and delivery in at least two of following areas: Experience in front-end web development JavaScript, TypeScript, Web Component, React, UI5… Experience in Java or NodeJS microservices development Spring Boot, K8s, Docker, Postgres, Cloud Foundry… Experience in AI and machine learning related project Prompt Engineering, RAG, Fine Tuning, Video/Image Processing… Knowledge in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence domain is a big plus


SAP公司成立于1972年,总部位于德国沃尔多夫市,是全球最大的企业管理和协同化商务解决方案供应商。目前,在全球有 120多个国家的超过172,000家用户正在运行SAP软件。财富500强80% 以上的企业都正在从SAP的管理方案中获益。SAP在全球75多个国家拥有分支机构,并在多家证券交易所上市,包括法兰克福和纽约证交所。 1995年在北京正式成立SAP中国公司,已在大中国区10多个城市设有办事机构。作为企业应用软件解决方案的绝对领导者,SAP的市场份额和年度业绩近年来高速增长。SAP在中国有11000多家客户,拥有包括IBM、埃森哲、凯捷、HP、毕博、德勤、石化盈科、中电普华、东软、神州数码等多家合作伙伴。 我们的使命是助力客户实现卓越运营。我们的愿景是帮助人们提高生活品质,让世界变得更美好。


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