【紫光成员企业】Product Manager (Enterprise SSD) 20-30k·14薪
成都-高新区 5-10年 统招本科
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人力资源 · 紫光集团
  • SSD
  • 固态硬盘
  • 产品经理
Primary Function: Product direction: SSD, special on Enterprise product. Win the customer satisfaction and business by designing, planning & management competitive products according with customer demand. 产品方向: 固态硬盘, 固态硬盘, 固态硬盘, 着重在 企业级产品方向, 以客户需求为导向,设计、规划、管理产品,通过具有竞争力的产品使组织获得客户满意和商业机会。 Responsibilities:  Work closely with the Partner to design products and customer experience of the new product, control the direction of product development, provide professional advice to Partner. 与合作伙伴紧密配合设计新产品及客户体验,把控产品开发的方向,向合作伙伴提出指导和建议  Discover and evaluate new business/product opportunities by synthesizing information from market and competitive analysis, industry trends, and feedback, as well as business factors and risks, and make product and service recommendations based on thorough analysis of this information. 从市场及竞争力分析、行业趋势及反馈中获取信息并加以分析,发现及评估新市场、新商机及商业风险,为产品及服务提出建议  Own and help drive both product and business aspects of our product and service portfolio in different industry. 负责推动产品及服务的应用场景及解决方案在不同行业市场的推广  Work with the product related teams to manage products, their performance, effectiveness and return on investment. 与相关团队配合,管理各个产品的销量表现、效率及投资回报率  Analyze & report product performance, including competitive and market analysis. 分析和报告产品的表现,包括竞争力和市场分析  Identify new features or new channels for various products and draft business cases for new development. 识别各种产品的新特征和新渠道,起草商业计划以拓展新的商机。  Interface and negotiate with external vendors as necessary. 必要时与外部供应商接触和谈判 Requirements:  Be familiar with main SSD product vendors and solutions including chip and firmware, especially focus on Enterprise product. 熟悉主流固态硬盘厂商的主要产品的构造,性能与功能,包括控制器芯片,固件微码层面,特别是在企业级产品;  Be familiar with the SSD process of production and certification, including MP Test , QA ,QR, PCIE/NVMe Certificaiton。熟悉固态硬盘产品的生产和认证流程,包括量产测试,质量保证,质量可靠性,PCIE/NVMe认证等  Familiar with SSD major interface like SATA/SAS/M.2/U.2/E1.S/PCIE, etc, Familiar with major protocol like SATA/SAS/NVMe etc. and have some knowledge about en/decription, familiar with TCG SSC standard. 熟悉SSD主要接口 SATA/SAS/M.2/U.2/E1.S/PCIE ,协议(SATA/SAS/NVMe等),对加密有一定了解,熟悉TCG SSC V2标准  Minimum 3 years of SSD and relevant product and/or project development and management experience, special on firmware develop and testing. Familiar with SSD production process, factory experience is preferred.至少3年固态硬盘及相关的产品/项目的拓展及管理经验,特别是相关微码软件的开发测试经验;熟悉固态硬盘生产流程者,有工厂经验者优先  Self-motivated, creative, flexible, forward-thinking individual with ability to think strategically and have an analytical perspective. 自我激励、创造性、灵活性、前瞻性的思维,可以战略性的思考,并拥有理性分析的视角  Ability to interface with executives, senior management, partner, customer, etc. 出色的沟通能力,沟通对象包括执行管理者、高级管理者、合作伙伴、客户等  Ability to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams at all levels of the multi-organizations. 同多组织各级别跨职能团队有效合作的能力 Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, as well as presentation skills and negotiation skills. 卓越的沟通和人际交往技巧、展示技巧及谈判技巧


紫光集团创建于1988年,是国内综合性大型高科技产业集团,在半导体全产业链和云服务及网络基础设施等领域有深厚的产业布局。作为数字智能时代建设的生力军,专注于以半导体技术为核心的新兴高端技术产业,凭借强大的科技研发和设计制造能力,充分赋能时代的需求。 紫光集团根据产业和行业特点,设有移动通讯、存储、汽车电子与智能芯片、材料与器件、高可靠芯片、信息通信基础设施、信创与云服务、金融及其他八大板块,控股数十家相关行业的头部科技企业,在各板块涉及领域均拥有具备核心竞争力的技术、产品和服务,尤其是在智能手机芯片、物联网芯片、智能安全芯片、企业级网络、超融合市场、交换机、服务器等近20个细分市场居于国内头部、全球前三的市场地位。 目前,紫光集团在全球拥有数万名员工,在60多个国家和地区设有分支机构。作为高科技本土企业,紫光集团高度重视自主研发,紫光集团及旗下产业公司迄今已获得国家科学技术进步特等奖、一等奖等十余项科技奖。旗下产业公司共申请专利近2.4万项,其中80%是发明专利。 紫光集团努力践行“志高行远、创造价值”的价值观,以“前瞻性、开放性、公平性、市场化、国际化”为战略原则,秉持“科技之光照亮幸福生活”的使命,致力于为产业、为社会研发更新的技术,提供更好的服务,创造更多的价值。


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