Teaching Assistant (Junior) – META Programme 5-10k
上海-长宁区 经验不限 本科
发展空间大 专业培训 带薪病假
张先生 16小时前在线 已认证
Asst. HR Manager - Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding · 耀华国际教育
该职位在以下校区开设: YWAD(耀华上海), YWGZ(耀华广州), YWTX(耀华桐乡), YWBJ-YZ(耀华北京亦庄) A META Teaching Assistant (META TA) works in nominated Yew Chung or Yew Wah school that has students undertaking subjects in the META programme. The key component of the role is supporting META teachers and local students through blended delivery programmes. Through the YCYW META programme, we aim to achieve high standards by responding professionally, sensitively and caringly to the needs of all our students. Teaching Assistants provide local support to online teachers, local students and work with other local teachers and leaders to support high-quality learning & teaching, administrative duties, simple behaviour monitoring, drive student self-regulation and carry out school policies and procedures. Work activities generally include: - Help students in area of curriculum related to their subjects. - Assist with the preparation of quality and clean learning environment. - Work with other teachers and other professions to ensure students are supported and challenged. - Sometimes liaise with parents to follow up on simple student work requirements and progress. - Maintain student records as required. - Provide extra language support as required. - Referred students at-risk to appropriate school personnel. Learning and Teaching: - Assist in the educational and social development of students under the direction and guidance of the school leadership, teachers and META teachers. - Support productive small group interactions in the classroom. - Work with individuals or small groups outside the classroom when appropriate. - Assist in the implementation the English as an Additional Language programme for students and help monitor their progress. - Assist in the implementation of Individual Education Programmes for students and help monitor their progress. - Provide support for individual students inside and outside the classroom to enable them to fully participate in activities assigned by the META teacher. - Assist the META teachers with maintaining student records. - Support individual students to keep attention on the lesson and maintain sufficient progress with class work, homework and ongoing assessment ensuring students stay on-task. - Promote positive behaviour and positive emotions by contributing to the development of student’s social skills, ensuring they feel part of the class and school. - Assume relief teacher role when required. Administrative Duties: 1. Prepare and present displays of students' work for local exhibitions, parent-teacher conferences and other school or META events. 2. Support META teachers in photocopying and other tasks in order to support teaching. 3. Support the META programme with the regular collection of photo, interviews and other materials for marketing and promotion. 4. Undertake other duties from time to time as the EdFutures or local school leadership may require. Standards and Quality Assurance: 1. Support the YCYW Philosophy and Objectives. 2. Set a good example in terms of dress, punctuality, positive attitude and attendance. 3. Be flexible, show initiative, have patience and understanding, and a team player. 4. Have good ICT skills, particularly troubleshooting simple technical issues to facilitate online lessons. 5. Attend team and staff meetings. 6. Attend staff training as required. 7. Undertake professional duties that may be reasonably assigned by EdFutures or local school leadership. Be proactive in matters relating to health and safety, and child protection.


耀中耀华国际教育机构是一家在中国境内的营运平台,主要业务包括提供国际化教学,教学管理咨询、教育学术信息交流、教学用具的设计生产和销售、教育后勤管理咨询等。 耀华教育理念源自对二十一世纪地球村概念及中国将于其中发挥重要作用之认识。耀华致力于融合东西方文化精髓,注重双语学习、品格培养、全人发展、终身教育,通过创设独特的教学环境、行政管理和课程内容,让学生在多元文化的学习氛围中,潜移默化,成就兼容东西方文化精髓的独立人格。 耀华在中国境内提供各种专业课程,涵盖幼儿园、中小学、大学预科、语艺教育和网络学习等广阔领域,适合婴幼儿至成人各个年龄段的学习需要,将学生培育为拥有国际视野、勇于探索和创造、具备社会责任感的新世纪公民。 公司发展和管理的学校品牌系列包括:耀中国际学校、耀华国际教育学校、耀华国际教育幼儿园、耀华语艺教育中心等。


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