外教招聘专员【远程居家办公】 4-7k
丽江-古城区 1-3年 本科
节日礼物 带薪年假 年度旅游 绩效奖金 居家办公
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  • 岗位配置招聘
  • 企业文化
  • 教育培训
  • 薪酬管理
  • 人力资源经验
T***************is owned and operated by Ganwei Internet&Tech Co., Ltd.
Launched in late 2017, TTJ is on the march to its mission: contribute to the development of a better international education eco-system by globally attracting outstanding educators to China.
 T**************(以下简称TTJ)由「敢为互联」科技有限公司创立和运营,上线于2017年。TTJ致力于通过吸引杰出的教育人士来到中国,促进中国国际教育生态系统的更好发展。 Job Title | 职位名称: Recruitment Assistant | 招聘助理 Job Type | 工作种类: Full-time | 全职 Report to | 汇报人: HRBP | 人力资源业务伙伴 If You’re | 你需要拥有如下品质: 1.Interested in creating an education bridge between China and the world;
 希望为中国与世界的教育创造桥梁; 2.Highly approachable and passionate about helping people;
 亲切热情,乐于助人; 3.An international mindset, a great communicator and a quick learner; 
 富有国际视野,善于交流,善于学习; 4.An ambitious goal-achiever and a multi-task handler.
 行动力强,注重完成目标,擅长同时处理多项任务。 Job Responsibility | 工作职责: 1.Assist and support recruiting process, conduct sourcing and screening candidates;
 协助推进招聘进程,进行人才寻访,鉴定候选人资质; 2.Contact with foreign candidates via telephone/email/video to reach the weekly target;
 通过电话/邮件/视频等方式联系外教候选人,达到每周进展目标; 3.Interview foreign candidates independently and assist to match them with suitable teaching positions;
 独立开展外教面试,协助匹配合适的教学岗位; 4.Record accurate information for each job/candidate/school, write communication logs to TTJ on-cloud business platform;
 将每个岗位/候选人/学校的信息仔细录入TTJ的共享信息平台,并撰写沟通记录; 5.Complete other tasks requested by line manager, contribute to whole team’s success.
 完成主管要求的其他任务,促成整个团队的成功。 Requirements Job Requirement | 职位要求: 1.A bachelor's’s degree is mandatory, English/Education/HR major will be a plus;
 至少有学士学位,英语/教育/人力资源管理等专业优先; 2.A good level of English (no less than IELTS 6.5 or other equivalent results), be able to speak English fluently and write in English fast;
 有良好的英语水平(雅思6.5分以上,或其他英语评级体系同等分数),口语流畅,英语书面沟通迅速; 3.A strong willingness to be an expert in the international education recruitment industry;
 有强烈的意愿想成为外教招聘行业的专家; 4.Be able to work under pressure.
有良好的抗压能力。 Benefits Salary and Benefits | 薪资与福利: Standard annual salary for ‘Recruitment Assistant’ is ranging from ¥49,000 ~¥66,000 before tax, which performance-based compensation and other benefits are not included. 
“招聘助理”的基本年薪在税前¥49,000 ~¥66,000之间,不包含业务奖金和其他福利。 Additional salary/benefits include | 其他薪资/福利包括: The essentials: 1.An attractive, performance-based compensation package.
 有吸引力的、基于绩效的薪酬方案:基本月薪+绩效薪资+更高的招聘奖金(不设上限) 2.Mentor & Adviser's dual training system.
 双导师制培训体系:两位资深recruiter带领下的系统性专业培训 3.A fast and transparent promotion path.
 快速、透明的晋升道路:被反复实践的晋升通道,半年内从助理晋升到初级顾问 4.Early employee’s stock-sharing plan.
 老员工入股计划:至少完成两年合同后的老员工入股方案 Wellness & care: 1.Flexible working schedule
 弹性工作时间:周末双休+日常弹性上班(8:30-9:30上班,对应7小时工作制,14:30-17:30下班;午休1小时) 2.A generous insurance, housing allowance package
 补充商业保险方案(意外+重疾+医疗+人寿+健康管理)+住房补贴(需符合职位要求)· 3.Extra health care 
 额外的健康关:办公室健康饮食提供 4.Numerous team activities 
多样化的团建活动:各节假日礼品+员工生日/大事件庆祝活动+公司旅游 Promotion Path | 晋升路径: Recruitment Assistant - Junior Recruiter - Senior Recruiter 招聘助理 - 初级顾问 - 高级顾问 Working Schedule | 工作时间: Full-time: Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM 全职:周一至周五:上午九点至下午五点 Please send your CV and cover letter to ****************** with email title of position name you want to apply, we will reply you in 3 working days. 请将简历及求职信发送至******************,标题注明您想申请的职位。我们会在三个工作日里答复。


TopTutorJob is owned and operated by Ganwei Internet&Tech Co., Ltd.
 Launched in late 2017, TTJ is on the march to its mission: contribute to the development of a better international education eco-system by globally attracting outstanding educators to China.


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1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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