APQP 薪资面议
武汉 经验不限 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 通讯津贴 领导好 发展空间大 公司提供专车 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升 弹性工作
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We are looking for new colleagues who will join our team at our location Wuhan. Your tasks:Manage the key project launch maturity in quality aspect and ensure the project launch process is well control from quality point of view.Ensure new project team understand, implement and deliver expected project quality activities and results, and the customer objectives are met.Quality assurance in new product/process development and success transfer to operation after SOP+3 months. Guarantee customer requirements deployment: Review key project/new customer quality specific requirements, identify gaps/risks and support to negotiate with customer for agreement, further deployment on agreed requirements in plant.Quick response for quality issue problem solving: Work with team on key new project APQP activities, monitor project quality performance, identify quality issue, lead root cause analysis & risk assessment, drive team on containment & corrective actions and issue closure. Escalation if necessary.Enhance audit to early identify risk: Conduct quality audits for new project (PV built readiness, PRA, customer audit, MPCE, RFMEA audit,etc.), responsible for audit gaps analysis & closure, make sure product/process verified before SOP.Better change management with verification and readiness: new project product/process change management, support change impact study and monitor related verification, check supplier/process/engineering readiness before introduction.Lesson learns for prevention: Proactively support the integration of lessons learned into new project when kick off and the generation of lessons learned at during project phase. (Quality LL/RC management).Effective sample built & release: On-site support project sample built to quick understand product/process readiness status and check & release samples for validation/customer delivery. (Sample build evaluation).New technology early planning: Early involvement in new technology EMB projects, understand product/process design concept to quality planning. Work with global core development team to collect product/process lesson learns, pre-active planning and read across in AP.Framework with Engineering/plant quality for better transfer and open issue risk study/follow.Critical APQP element micromanagement: Coordinate PFMEA and Control plan review, deployment of CC/SC control, Set up safe launch pla. Your profile:Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in Engineering.5 years+ automotive industry experience.Experience in Project management, Engineering project management preferred.Technical automotive chassis control knowledge desirable.Good time management skills and communication ability with all levels of people.Self-motivation and good interpersonal skills.Fluent English for intensive international communication. Be part of ZF team and apply now.


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