飞机发动机维修 20-25k·13薪
上海-浦东新区 10年以上 大专
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 定期体检 年底双薪 免费班车 国际知名优势 通讯津贴
金女士 一周前在线 已认证
Sr. Talent Acquisition Partner, GE China · 通用电气航空(中国)有限公司
Job Description Summary 放行人员与检验员和技术员一起配合工作,在自有的车间内或者客户的现场进行发动机维修工作。放行人员应具有作为检验员和技术员的实作维修经历。放行人员应同时具有或获得相应产品的检验员和技术员授权。根据工作安排,必要时利用检验员或技术员的授权完成相关工作。通常,放行人员也是工作现场的领班,承担沟通、协调和部分管理的工作职责。 Certifying Staff will work together with inspectors and technicians to carry out engine maintenance in our own workshop or at the customer’s site. Certifying Staff should have hands-on experience as a technician and an inspector and should get the authorization as an inspector or a technician in the same type of product. When necessary, complete the assigned job utilizing his/her inspector or technician authorization. Usually, Certifying Staff also plays the role of the on-site team leader, and takes the responsibilities of communication, coordination, and partial supervision. Essential Responsibilities 在技术员的授权下工作: Working under Technician authorization: 按照经批准的维修手册或其他相关技术资料实施发动机维修工作; Carry out engine maintenance per approved maintenance manuals and other applicable technical data. 在实施维修工作前,对工具设备进行检查; Check tools and equipment before engine maintenance starts. 在维修过程中正确使用并保管工具设备; Use tools and equipment correctly and take care of them during engine maintenance. 填写维修记录和录入个人工时; Fill maintenance records and log personal working hours. 确认航材的状态,并按需挂牌; Identify and check components, parts and material status, and tag them as necessary. 维护工作区域的环境,正确使用相关设施; Tidy working area and use facilities properly. 在检验员的授权下工作: Working under Inspector authorization: 对必检项目进行检查,确保达到质量标准。 Inspect required inspection items (RII) and ensure them meeting the quality standard. 确保维修工作按照经批准的维修手册或其他相关技术资料实施。 Ensure maintenance tasks carried out per approved maintenance manuals and other applicable technical data. 填写维修记录和录入个人工时。 Fill maintenance records and log personal working hours. 确保维修记录填写正确。 Ensure the maintenance record filled correctly. 确保仅在工具设备和环境符合相关条件时实施工作。 Ensure engine maintenance is being carried out only when tools/equipment and the environment fulfill relative requirements. 确保安装到发动机上的航材符合质量标准。 Ensure all components, parts and materials installed on engines meet the quality standard. 根据工作安排,作为教员完成实作培训。 Complete OJT as the instructor per working assignments. Working under Certifying Staff authorization: 在放行人员的授权下工作: 确保所有维修工作按照经批准的维修手册或其他相关技术资料实施。 Ensure all maintenance tasks carried out per approved maintenance manuals and other applicable technical data. 确保客户和本单位一致同意的维修范围内的所有维修工作均已完成。 Ensure all maintenance tasks within the workscope agreed by the customer and OWS have been accomplished. 负责确认发动机**适航性状态及负责部件放行。 Check the airworthiness status of the engine and release it back to service if it fulfills all necessary requirements. 填写维修记录和录入个人工时。 Fill maintenance records and log personal working hours. 负责签发放行证明。 Issue airworthiness tag(s). 在实施维修工作前,对工作现场进行可行性评估,确保仅在工作现场符合相关条件时开始维修工作。 Carry out on-site feasibility assessment before starting engine maintenance. Ensure the engine maintenance starts only when the working environment fulfills relevant requirements. Working as team leader: 作为领班工作: 代表团队接受工作任务,并在团队内部分派工作任务; Accept the working assignment on behalf of the team and distribute its sub-packages within the team. 协调、跟踪并报告工作进展; Coordinate and track the assigned job and report its progress. 与其它团队保持沟通和协调; Communicate and coordinate with other teams. 在客户现场,与客户以及提供支援的单位保持沟通和协调; Communicate and coordinate with the customer and the vendor who provides necessary supports at the customer site. 在团队内推进安全、质量、精益生产等各项工作; Facilitate Safety, Quality and LEAN within the team. 在团队内确保工时录入符合GE Aerospace的政策和原则; Ensure working hours logged by the team in compliance with the labor vouchering policy and principles. 了解和遵守各项质量和安全的规定和程序; Understand and follow quality and safety procedures. 对于工作中发现的与质量和安全相关的问题,及时报告; Report quality and safety concerns in a timely manner. Qualifications / Requirements 年满21周岁; Over the age of 21. 理工科专业,全日制大专以上(含大专)毕业; Graduated from full-time college or above in a Science or Engineering major. 持有CCAR-66R3 TA执照,且英语等级标注为3级或者以上; CCAR-66R3 TA license holder and pass Maintenance Technical English Level 3 or above. 航空维修8年以上工作经验,航空发动机维修5年以上工作经验; More than 8 years working experience in aircraft maintenance industry, including more than 5 years on aircraft engine maintenance. 具有发动机大修或快修经验者优先; Candidates with working experience on aircraft engine overhaul or quick turn preferred. 具有发动机孔探实作经验者优先; Candidates with hands-on working experience in engine Borescope Inspection preferred. 经过发动机原厂培训者优先; Candidates with Engine OEM training experience preferred. 有培训教员经验者优先; Candidates with training instructor experience preferred. 有团队管理经验者优先; Candidates with team management experience preferred. Desired Characteristics 工作积极乐观,对团队和客户的宗旨有使命感 Approach work with a “can-do” attitude and a sense of commitment to both team and customer objectives 具有团队合作精神,乐于互助,善于沟通,具有解决问题的能力 Willing team player attitude, strong communication skills and problem solving ability are a must 渴望在技术方向持续学习和成长 Possess a desire to learn and grow with advances in technology


GE Aerospace is a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, as well as integrated systems for commercial, military, business and general aviation aircraft.


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
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  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 工作时长违反劳动法规定;
  • g. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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