Design Manager(J90644) 薪资面议
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五险一金 年终奖金 股票期权 带薪年假 定期体检 发展空间大 子女福利 通讯津贴 岗位晋升 年底双薪
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  • SketchUp
Key Accountabilities Store Design and Brand: ◆ Provides creative direction to deliver outstanding on-brand appropriate store designs. ◆ Creates environments that are relevant to the customer and consistent with the brand. Responds to site features, local context, customer and community profile.  ◆ Ensures solutions are aligned with project budgets, timelines and regional criteria.  ◆ Responds and adapts to changing timelines and project demands while meeting design expectations and operational requirements.  ◆ Demonstrates and shares in-depth knowledge of materials, lighting, acoustics, construction standards, detailing and best practice in architectural and interior design.  ◆ Leads the production of schematic plans, design intent packages and construction drawings that clearly communicate the design direction to stakeholders, peers, cross-functional team and external consultants.  ◆ Delivers high quality presentations to leaders, peers, and stakeholders. Shares design work regularly with a clear verbal narrative and effective visual presentation material. Design Leadership: ◆ Supports studio leadership with work group goals and organizational capability; role models effective studio collaboration. ◆ Supports studio leadership in executing design strategy and aligning with key cross-functional stakeholders to meet brand expectations, including market/store tours as needed. ◆ Elevates studio design quality through effective mentoring and team engagement. Key influencer in collaborative design review with consistent, thoughtful and relevant feedback.  ◆ Fosters studio design culture with relevant design inspiration and industry trend. Shares advancement in design thinking, professional practice, technology, etc.  ◆ Develops and maintains relationships across business functions and diverse groups, encouraging collaboration to continuously improve organizational capability. Project Planning and Execution: ◆ Assesses the scope of each project through review of surveys and real estate documents and manages the production and delivery of design documents. ◆ Executes store designs in collaboration with cross-functional teams to optimize material and inventory levels, achieve fiscal goals and uphold corporate and global responsibilities.  ◆ Provides clear, effective and timely communication of design direction and changes. ◆ Works with key cross-functional stakeholders to ensure that design processes, practices and programs are aligned with company business goals and objectives.  ◆ Sets schedules in partnership with store development team. Communicate dates to internal and external team and meets all established deadlines.  ◆ Supports the implementation of company programs to ensure the success of the Company. Requirements ◆ 8-10 years of interior and architectural design experience in retail, hospitality, or restaurant design, working with design agencies and/or development organizations ◆ Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from an accredited educational institution in Architecture, Interior Design or related design field. ◆ Demonstrated direct experience creating interior and architectural design concepts for a range of project sizes and varying complexity levels. ◆ Works with key cross-functional stakeholders to ensure that design processes, practices and programs are aligned with company business goals and objective. ◆ Relevant experience design teams with decision-making authority and accountability, mentoring junior designers, budgets and coordinating external consultants. ◆ Excellent Revit, Enscape and SketchUp skills. ◆ Highly organized and self-driven creative leaders that are capable of influencing teams beyond individual projects. ◆ Fluent English & Mandarin, both written and verbal


星巴克咖啡公司成立于1971年,始终致力于商业道德采购并烘焙世界上高品质的阿拉比卡咖啡。今天,在全球76个国家和地区,拥有28,000多家门店的星巴克是专业咖啡烘焙商和零售商。星巴克始终坚持对品质和服务的承诺,遵循我们的愿景和价值观,通过每一杯优质的咖啡每天为顾客营造独特的星巴克体验。 自1999年进入中国以来,秉承“激发并孕育人文精神——每人、每杯、每个社区”的公司使命,我们始终致力于在中国成为一家与众不同的公司:在传承经典咖啡文化的同时,关爱我们的伙伴,为顾客提供超越期望的星巴克体验,并为所在社区的繁荣做出自己的贡献。目前星巴克已经在中国大陆180多个城市开设了4400多家门店,拥有50,000多名身穿绿围裙的星巴克伙伴。这一独特优势使我们能够在每一天,通过每一家星巴克门店,践行我们的承诺。 我们热爱我们的咖啡。我们相信通过一杯高品质的手工咖啡可以传递和分享真挚情感,而这样简单的行为或许可以为顾客提供一些正能量。因此,星巴克始终致力于通过道德采购,烘焙并提供高品质的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。我们还在中国云南普洱建立了星巴克中国咖啡种植者支持中心,旨在整合和促进可持续种植规范在当地的推广,助力云南咖啡产业的发展。从一粒种子到一杯咖啡,每一个环节都倾入了星巴克的心意和努力,只为每一次光顾我们门店的顾客可以享受醇香的浓缩咖啡及其钟爱的咖啡饮品。 我们热爱我们的顾客。星巴克在为顾客提供始终如一的优质星巴克体验的同时,也一直致力于提升我们的顾客体验。在对产品质量和服务精益求精的基础上,星巴克强调创新,强调产品和服务的个性化,强调不断给顾客带来愉悦和惊喜。同时,星巴克充分尊重中国历史悠久的传统文化,在门店设计、地方食品和饮料供应等方面,充分将当地习俗融合到星巴克体验之中。 独特的星巴克数字平台,包括星巴克移动应用软件和星享俱乐部,帮助我们在门店以外建立与顾客的连接。星巴克始终致力于通过不断创新,建立我们和顾客之间的情感连接,同时激发他们在店内店外与更多人分享这些美好瞬间。2015年12月,星巴克在天猫上推出官方旗舰店,将独特的门店体验与线上“第四空间”体验紧密对接,这是星巴克“互联网+咖啡”的心意传递平台。为了实现线上和线下门店体验的无缝对接,星巴克中国分别与腾讯、阿里巴巴达成战略合作,为顾客带来数字时代的全新零售体验。2017年,星巴克在中国创新推出基于微信平台的社交礼品体验“用星说”,鼓励每一个人,在每一刻,都能以一个简单的小行动,对在乎的人用心说出自己的心意。此外,为了进一步满足中国消费者多样化的支付需求,星巴克中国门店已全面接入微信和支付宝。 我们热爱我们的伙伴。星巴克不仅是一家“咖啡”公司,更是一家“人”的公司。星巴克的核心和灵魂是“星巴克人”。在星巴克,员工被称作“伙伴”,因为他们除了拥有保险、医疗等方面的福利外,还拥有获得公司“咖啡豆股票”的权利,真正成为公司的一员。同时,星巴克还积极为伙伴打造实现梦想的平台,坚持把伙伴利益放在最前,尊重他们所做出的贡献。星巴克连续获得怡安翰威特等雇主品牌奖项,肯定了星巴克在中国对于企业文化及人才发展等方面的持续投入和成绩。 星巴克视自己为一家“不同寻常”的公司。星巴克在中国发展的同时,也带来了星巴克的核心价值——融入并回馈当地社会。通过各种方式与所在社区建立深层次的连接是星巴克一贯的宗旨。进入中国以来,星巴克始终致力于回馈社会,对于中国社会的发展做出自己的一份贡献,在地方和全国范围内开展企业社会责任项目。至今,星巴克中国的伙伴和志愿者们一共贡献了超过65万小时的社区服务,增进了与社区和顾客的情感联系。 秉承我们的企业价值,付之于切实行动,我们致力于打造一个与众不同的公司,一个继续让我们的伙伴和顾客为之骄傲的企业。 如果你想了解更多星巴克中国的信息,请登陆星巴克公司主页。


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