Consulting-Supply Chain Consulting Manager-供应链咨询 25-45k·13薪
上海-长宁区 5-10年 本科
带薪年假 弹性工作 技能培训 年底双薪 管理规范 节日礼物 五险一金 定期体检 周末双休 500强
陈女士 2小时前在线 已认证
Job Description Supervising business diagnosis in planning activities. Analyzing and assuring quality of the data collected. Assisting in formulating the specific solutions to address prioritized gaps. Supervising business architecture and process design activities. Assisting in the development of capabilities and performance measurements KPIs. Supervising business architecture implementation activities. Defining testing and implementation activities for architectures, capabilities, and processes. Developing and testing business processes, capabilities, and architectures. Preparing the client for deployment communications, training . Job Qualifications • 5+ years of industry and/or consulting experiences in auto/Hi-tech industry • University degree, good English level, availability to travel and at least one-year experience in the process of Integrated Supply Chain Planning, desirable functional and technical consulting for planning tools: SAP IBP, SAP APO, Blue Yonder/i2/JDA, Kinaxis, OMP, o9. • Demonstrate strong understanding of business, technology and process implications as related to demand planning, supply planning, sales & operation planning, production planning, material planning, and other planning related areas, preferably in China market. • Superior analytical and problem-solving skills, with expertise in quantitative/qualitative process analysis techniques, process metrics and performance measurement • Exhibit effective oral and written communication, leadership, project management, and teamwork skills with an ability to interact effectively with different levels of management. Should be diplomatic, flexible, and have a good team approach.


埃森哲注册于爱尔兰,是一家全球的专业服务公司,致力于帮助企业、政府和各界组织构建数字核心、优化运营成本、加速营收增长并提升社会服务水平,实现快速且规模化的价值创造。埃森哲是《财富》世界500强企业之一,目前拥有74.2万名员工,服务于120多个国家的客户。我们以卓越人才和技术创新为核心,引领全球技术变革。凭借在云、数据和人工智能方面深厚的行业经验、独特的专业技能、强大的生态协作网络以及翘楚全球的一体化交付中心,我们为客户提供战略&咨询、技术服务、智能运营、工业X和Accenture Song等全方位服务。基于卓越的服务能力、共享成功的企业文化,以及创造360°价值的承诺,我们帮助客户实现企业全面重塑,并建立长久互信的合作关系。同时,埃森哲以360°价值衡量自身,为客户、员工、股东、合作伙伴和整个社会创造美好未来。 埃森哲在中国市场开展业务37年,拥有一支约1.6万人的员工队伍,分布于北京、上海、大连、成都、广州、深圳、杭州、香港和台北等多个城市。作为可信赖的数字化转型卓越伙伴,我们不断创新、积极参与商业和技术生态建设,致力于帮助中国的企业和组织把握数字化机遇,通过战略制定、流程优化、技术赋能,实现高质量发展。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
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  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
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  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
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