设计与艺术技术员 DT Technician 6-8k·13薪
杭州 1年以下 本科
五险一金 休闲餐点 节日礼物 定期体检 年底双薪 餐费补贴 免费班车 国际化管理 商业保险 带薪寒暑假
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学校简介: 惠灵顿中国杭州校区座落于杭州萧山科技城的国际教育园,包括杭州市萧山区惠立学校和杭州外籍人员子女学校。学校有一套完善的幸福关怀体系贯穿各个学段,为学生提供全人教育,致力于培养具备优质综合才能的惠立学生,使其能适应日新月异的世界并茁壮成长。 工作职责: 杭州惠立学校现需招聘1名设计与工艺教师助教,主要负责协助设计与工艺(DT)老师上课材料及工具的准备,上课材料及工具的采购,各类相关设备的维护与安全,学生器械使用的指导等工作。具体详见下文英文版岗位职责。 岗位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,设计与工艺相关专业优先; 2. 有相关教学材料订单采购经验优先; 2. 英语流利,可作为工作语言; 3. 积极主动,喜欢学校的工作环境。 福利待遇: 1. 带薪寒暑假,圣诞假等; 2. 五险一金,额外的商业医保,公积金缴纳比例为12%; 3. 年度体检,免费员工班车,工作日免费午餐; 4. 国际化工作环境,扁平化管理; OBJECTIVES: To act as support for the Design Technology department. The individual will need to be well skilled in the preparation of resistant materials, in their properties and uses and for ensuring safe use of machinery and equipment in the DT labs. This role therefore combines the need for a high skill level with a degree of ‘heavy lifting’. Above all the individual will be an enhancement to the safe delivery of this curriculum subject and in other areas of the school. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Preparation of DT materials for lessons as informed by the Head of Design Technology and DT teachers. Responsible for keeping a record on the amount of stock and arranging stock room according to Head of Design and Technology. Able to print and cut work given by DT teachers, using the 3D Printer and Laser Cutter independently. Testing and maintenance of all tools, equipment and machinery in all DT labs. Complete regular risk assessments for all tools, equipment and machinery in all DT labs. Work with groups/individual students on specific tasks during lesson time, instructions will be given by DT teachers (no planning will be involved). To supervise cover lessons when DT teachers are away, to ensure safe work is taking place and instructions are clear. Help and prepare example work for teachers and support during lesson time. JOB QUALIFICATIONS: Basic Qualification: Education: Bachelor's degree or above Major: Design and Technology related subject would be preferable Language: Mandarin and English Expertise: A minimum of 2 years working experience in related areas. Experience of use of Design and Technology related tools, equipment and machinery. Ability to work well with a diverse team. A proactive work ethic and ability to work with students. Degree or equivalent professional qualification.


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