PC--Process ZP6/7/8 (MJ000618) 15-25k·16薪
合肥-包河区 1-3年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 团队聚餐 节日礼物 定期体检 住房补贴 餐费补贴 加班补贴 提供住宿
谷女士 2天前在线 已认证
Brief description of the position: Assembly Process ZP6/7/8 of Pilot Hall is required to coordinate with related team members and production team members in an automotive manufacturing environment to meet and exceed company goals and objectives. These activities are performed in conjunction with manufacturing, quality, production control, and engineering to provide best in class product quality. Assembly process ZP6/7/8 of Pilot Hall is responsible for the pre-production and series-production output, quality, and process costs of process ZP6/7/8.  Key Tasks: Becoming acquainted with Pilot Hall role and responsibility. Improve and expand Pilot Hall Body in White standards. Support Cross functional team leaders, supervisor and Manager with documentation and organizational tasks. Standard reporting on daily process adjustments and downtime summary. Identify areas of potential improvements in Pilot Hall Assembly. Optimize production equipment with regard to production quality. Develop measures to optimize functional/key dimensions and audit scores. Make and optimize auxiliary and analysis tools for pilot hall activities. Support the development and evaluation of corrective action. Make sample parts, Analyze parts / equipment interferences. Optimize processes in Assembly manufacturing. Support the analysis of parts/assemblies with corrective information on in-house- and purchased Cp 5 and Cp 7 parts. Support the quality optimization of surfaces. Maintain, repair, replace parts, engines, bodies and vehicles following drawings, plans and sketches. Define logically coherent operating sequences. Introduce and adjust predefined tools and equipment. Document errors and damages. Compile damage reports, implement measures to raise operational readiness. Manufacture, assemble, disassemble, cut, join by hand and with machines, mount, dismount, make operational, maintain (repair, replace, service) parts, engines, vehicles, frames, bodies, research objects following drawings, plans, self-prepared sketches, documents, bills of material, specifications from repair and service manuals, models, samples, gauges, and technical guidelines in the area of responsibility. Qualification and skills: Degree in mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, industrial engineering, or equivalent qualifications. 1-3 years of working experience in automotive manufacturing and/or automotive body weld equipment manufacturing. Excellent business language skills in English (written and oral) mandatory, fluently in German is appreciated. Independence/drive/motivation is expected as major parts of the typical workday will require self-guided work in a team environment. Proficient MS Office skills (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) Ability to adapt to company-specific software systems. Experience with Technical Drawings / Schematics Ability to read/understand technical drawings/specifications. Capability to prepare technical summary reports from miscellaneous data. Administrative-Written Communications, Information seeking. Technical-Problem solving, Quality knowledge. Professional Experience (Desired): Technical apprenticeship or vocational training, i.e. as a measurement technician, line builder Knowledge of Automotive Systems / Construction Experience about Project launch, Technical apprenticeship or vocational training. Ability to use inspection related equipment – (i.e. measure, calibrate, gauges/check fixtures, etc.) Understanding of Automotive Market in China and Europe Experience working with Foreign Manufacturing companies. Expert in analyzing root causes of BiW and assembly deviations as well as in identifying and implementing effective countermeasures using analytical, conceptual, and creative thinking; Outstanding spatial ability. Excellent communication, influencing, integrating, and negotiating skills. Experience about built pre-series cars/prototype cars and Pilot Hall volumes. Strong understanding of tolerance analysis, welding, hemming, and gluing processes Solid understanding of assembly automated and manual process2 and Pre-Series Process within VW Group Solid understanding of technical drawings, specifications, functional dimensions, measurement reports, etc. Basic knowledge of CAD software (AutoCAD, CATIA V5)


大众汽车(安徽)有限公司(原江淮大众汽车有限公司)成立于2017年,由大众汽车集团与安徽江淮汽车集团股份有限公司合资组建,是大众汽车集团在中国第一家专注于新能源汽车的合资企业。2020年12月,大众汽车集团增持江淮大众汽车有限公司股份至75%战略投资完成,并接管企业管理权,合资企业正式更名为大众汽车(安徽)有限公司。 大众安徽主要聚焦新能源汽车的研发和生产,将建成大众汽车集团在华第三家MEB工厂。新工厂于2021年7月开工建设,已于近期全面建成。大众安徽MEB工厂基于集团MEB模块化电驱动平台打造纯电动汽车,首台预批量车型已如期下线,首款车型将于2023年下半年投产。新工厂将在投产伊始即使用绿色能源进行生产,并通过一系列节能措施减少整体碳排放。 研发方面,大众安徽全新研发中心一期工程已于2020年底竣工并投入使用。二期工程目前正在建设中,其中包括建设一座用于新能源汽车研发阶段性能和功能测试的研发测试场。该测试场总占地面积19.5万平方米,全面覆盖5G高速网络,能够进行自动驾驶及车联网技术的相关测试。研发测试场将于2022年第三季度启动测试与验证工作,预计将于2023年中全面竣工。 大众安徽将研发、质保、同步工程、全功能预生产和测试等多个部门集中在一个园区,充分落实产业价值链的整合,将帮助集团强化本土研发能力,提升生产效率,快速扩大并优化新能源产品矩阵,以满足全球最大的新能源汽车市场的客户需求。 目前,大众安徽正积极扩大本土人才储备,预计到2023年,员工人数将超过3500名。依托于大众汽车集团全球专业技术体系,本地研发人才将有机会前往德国总部及其研发中心接受培训,内容包括数字化、整车测试和认证、产品管理和电子产品开发等。同时,来自德国总部的研发专家也将为在合肥的员工提供专业培训。 未来,大众安徽将充分利用集团在全球电动出行方面的协同效应,推进中国电动化战略,助力集团到2050年全面实现碳中和愿景。


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