焊接工程师 10-20k·13薪
济南-历城区 10年以上 大专
年底双薪 带薪年假 定期体检 年度旅游 免费班车 五险一金
李先生 一周前在线 已认证
The company wishes to develop an advanced range of Mig , Tig Plasma welding guns that employ the latest design technological developments. The company needs to strengthen its welding knowledge by the addition of a Welding Engineer, The welding engineer will be expected to provide Uniarcs team of engineers with weld gun information that will advance the companies welding product knowledge. The successful applicant will therefore need to have a full understanding of the welding process performance characteristic of these products so that detailed performance design briefs can be written to enable the design engineers to convert that information into working drawings. The applicant needs to be fully conversant with the welding process be able use both Mig, Tig Plasma gun/machine set ups to understthe various controls associated with modern welding guns machines Advice on performance vs. cost will be required to reduce manufacturing costs of new designs. The ability to advise on weld faults corrective actions is required. The successful applicant will be expected to constantly up date his/her welding knowledge to locate attend suitable training courses. There may be times when the Welding engineer will be required to discuss welding solution with the companies customers. Experience in depth practical experience in the welding industry is more important than formal qualifications. Bachelin welding major With at least 3 years working experience in welding equipment welding process Familiar with TIG, MIG Plasma cutting process Can weld with manual torch Familiar with Aluminium welding with TIG MIG Experience in Robotics is preferable. However, experience exposure to a recognized training certificate to ASME IX, BS EN 287/9606 CSWIP would be an advantage. Must be familiar with Protel AutoCAD. 职位福利:五险一金、年底双薪、带薪年假、定期体检、餐补、免费班车、节日福利、周末双休


济南尼克焊接技术有限公司位于济南综合保税区,成立于2000年10月8日,是英国独资的高端焊接辅具生产商。公司现有员工210人,其中管理人员60余人、技术工人140余人,管理人员中包括技术与研发人员38人。自2010年起,公司被认定为“高新技术企业”,已获得发明专利12个、实用新型专利27项和外观专利68项。 公司应用世界前沿技术研制、开发、生产的ARC系列、PARKER系列、UNIARC系列的MIG/TIG焊枪、PLASMA割枪畅销欧美澳等50多个国家和地区,在世界焊接领域享有良好声誉。 公司有着良好的学习晋升空间,为员工提供各类培训学习的机会,为员工提供五险一金、工作餐补贴、年底奖金等福利。希望广大社会精英能够加入我们的团队,和我们一起创造美好未来。


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