红外及拉曼销售经理(远程办公) 薪资面议
武汉-武昌区 经验不限 统招本科
发展空间大 扁平管理 领导好 带薪年假 绩效奖金
周女士 7小时前在线 已认证
职责描述: Sales and application support for the MIR/Raman product lines of the Bruker Optics division Evaluation of potential clients in the Chinese sales territory supported by the MIR/Raman Middle team Responsible for the full sales process starting with generating leads, also by the help of the lead finder/ distributor network and evaluating the applications of interest for the clients. Evaluating the right system configurations, preparing corresponding quotations with all Bruker good business practices to finalize the sale with the clients through a purchase order. Support of demo during sales process, reporting the executed feasibility studies Customer trainings/coordination of trainings at installation or on demand Coordinating shortest possible installation times after delivery together with the other parties involved (client and service team) NOB coordination from PO received to scheduling system installation to secure fastest revenue recognition Seeking for new market opportunities and new applications Supporting customer events like exhibitions, seminars, workshops etc. Fully supporting Bruker appointed TPA daily work The employee shall directly report to the MIR Sales Manager South of Bruker Optics China accomplishment of high stress levels Willingness to travel (at least 50% of the monthly working time) Communication with the HQ in English which requires good written and oral English language skills 任职要求: Bachelor or equivalent level of knowledge in Chemistry, Engineering, Material Science, Physics or related field Minimum of 2-3 years of sales experience in the analytical environment and/ or MIR and Raman scientific establishment, preferably more Experience in achieving goals and support territory business growth. A positive team player, self-motivated with strong analytical skills Spoken and written communication skills in both Chinese and English Ability to work in an analytical environment; being focused, ability to structure complex request scenarios Capability of good people skills to easily connect with people from different markets (QC and academics) Competence to efficiently and professionally guide clients through the sales process


布鲁克(纳斯达克股票代码:BRKR)是一家拥有50多年历史的全球性企业,我们研发制造的科学分析仪器能够帮助在生命科学、制药、生物技术、医疗与分子诊断研究、应用市场、纳米科技以及材料化学分析领域的企业与科学家们快速解决他们面临的多种多样的探索与应用的问题。我们提供的技术平台包括核磁技术、质谱技术、气相色谱技术、X射线技术、发射光谱、原子力显微镜、光学测量技术、荧光显微镜以及红外与拉曼分子光谱技术。我们的仪器系统在化学、生物、放射学、核设备与爆炸物探测领域有广泛的应用。 布鲁克全球旗下由布鲁克Biospin、布鲁克CALID、布鲁克Nano三个业务集团以及布鲁克Energy & Supercon Technology业务部门构成。 目前,布鲁克公司在全球范围内的30多个国家拥有70多家分公司与办事处,超过6500名全球员工在为布鲁克的持续发展贡献力量。2014年布鲁克的全球销售额达18亿美元。 布鲁克进入中国市场已有40多年的时间,作为全球增长**也是潜力**的市场之一,中国市场一直受到总部的高度重视,近几年对中国的投资规模和支持力度也在不断增加。布鲁克中国的总部设立于北京,并在上海和广州设有分公司。同时北京和上海均设立了仪器应用培训实验室和售后服务中心。目前布鲁克中国拥有270名员工,2014年销售收入1.12亿美元。 全球网址:***************


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