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Talent Acquisition Partner · GE医疗中国
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The architect software engineer masters the practical application of engineering principal and works with team to deliver/maintain the embedded software for medical device. He/She need to lead the new technology investigation, the platform concept definition, the practical design, and the verification. GE HealthCare is a global medical technology and digital solutions innovator. Our purpose is to create a world where healthcare has no limits. Unlock your ambition, turn ideas into world-changing realities, and join an organization where every voice makes a difference, and every difference builds a healthier world. Essential Responsibilities Development Embedded software of Motion control of Gantry and Table and system communication. Embedded software Development life cycle management within healthcare quality Management System. Software Risk management, Development planning, Architectural Design, Detail design, Unit implement, Integration and integration testing, System testing, Software release and Maintenance. Guide team to develop positioner software verification procedure and execution. Embedded software development: familiar with C++ , develop embedded software on VxWorks or other RTOS(real time operation system). Engaging in all phases of new product introduction, including concept, architecture, documentation, design, prototype, test, supplier interfaces, manufacturing introduction and service support. Lead technical design review for concept solution, detail design and evaluation result with global team. Guide team to do verification, FMEA, reliability related. Keep track on new technology, methodology and design concept. Qualifications/Requirements BS or above in Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control Engineering, or equivalent experience. 8 years software development experience in medical device, automation, or instrumentation. Strong design capabilities with C and C++, experience on develop embedded software on RTOS is preferred. Skillful on Design Pattern is preferred. Desired Characteristics Master’s degree in electrical or automatic control preferred. Vascular product or large medical device or robot automatic control design experience preferred. Excellent teamwork, coordination, and communication skills. Effective oral and written communication skills, global project experience will be plus. Demonstrated technical leadership capability. Inclusion and Diversity GE HealthCare is an Equal Opportunity Employer where inclusion matters. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law. We expect all employees to live and breathe our behaviors: to act with humility and build trust; lead with transparency; deliver with focus, and drive ownership – always with unyielding integrity. Our total rewards are designed to unlock your ambition by giving you the boost and flexibility you need to turn your ideas into world-changing realities. Our salary and benefits are everything you’d expect from an organization with global strength and scale, and you’ll be surrounded by career opportunities in a culture that fosters care, collaboration and support.
所属部门:GE HealthCare


GE医疗致力于成为全球领先的医疗科技、药物诊断和数字化解决方案的创新者,通过提供整合解决方案、服务、数据分析,使医院运营更加高效、临床医生诊断更加有效、治疗方法更加精准、患者更加健康和幸福。在为患者和医疗机构提供服务的100多年中,GE医疗一直在推进个性化、互联互通和更富同理心的医疗关爱,同时简化患者诊疗全流程。GE医疗的医学影像、超声、生命关爱和药物诊断业务覆盖从诊断治疗到监护各环节的患者医疗关爱。GE医疗于2023年1月在美国纳斯达克股票交易所上市。公司年营收超183亿美元,全球50,000名员工同心共创无界的医疗关爱。 自1897年第一台X光机服务中国患者以来,GE医疗开启了公司一百多年的在华发展历程,与中国卫生健康事业共成长。GE医疗于1986年在北京成立了第一家办事处。1991年,GE医疗与原航天部和卫生部在北京合资成立了GE在中国的第一家合资企业 - 航卫通用电气医疗系统有限公司。GE医疗中国现拥有五大工厂,近7000名员工,包括一支约1200名的研发和应用工程师团队。 在中国,GE医疗正持续深化全面国产的战略,从产品、渠道、服务、供应链等全方位满足高端、基层和非公立医疗市场不断增长的多样化需求。目前,GE医疗在中国已构建了从经济型到高端全覆盖的医疗设备研发和生产的能力。自2011年起,中国团队本土研发并投入市场超过100款创新产品。北京基地研发和生产CT、X光机、血管机、手术机等影像设备,GE全球每三台 CT中有两台产自于此,256排高端Revolution CT和高端移动X光机已在北京量产;上海建有造影剂生产基地,生产的造影剂占全球产量60%,多年位列中国出口医疗器械企业排名前茅;天津建有磁共振成像系统生产基地,GE全球每销售两台磁共振产品中就有一台来自天津工厂,并已实现高端3.0T磁共振设备国产化;在无锡建有超声、呼吸机、麻醉、心电、患者监护等临床护理设备的研发和生产基地,生产的超声产品占比GE全球超声销售量40%,已实现包括心脏、全身、妇产在内的全线超声系列在国内的生产。 GE医疗正全速推进在中国的数字化进程。GE医疗以Edison爱迪生数字医疗智能平台为基础,广泛携手合作伙伴,利用5G、AI、云计算等技术,释放数字医疗技术新动能,并通过提升智能设备、智能管理、智能临床的产出,帮助医院和医生实现更优临床和运营决策,促进优质医疗资源下沉基层,为医院和病患带来更优质、更便捷、更高效的医疗产品和服务。目前,GE医疗已经与超过10家国内数字科技领军企业开展合作,拓展高质量医疗服务可及性,其中一半以上已经商业落地。 此外,GE医疗凭借技术创新、商业模式多样性和强韧供应链等优势,分别在北京、无锡和上海打造“创·中心”平台,聚焦影像技术创新,人工智能和数字化、大数据分析等**技术,打通创新研发的上下游环节,推动医疗产业新技术、新产品、新模式的创新成果转化和商业落地。 长期以来,GE医疗深度参与中国医疗卫生事业的发展,并与政府、行业与跨界合作伙伴携手共建精准医疗生态,共同应对重大疾病、人才培养、科研创新转化等行业重大挑战,并大力普及早健康意识。自2006年发起的“粉红行动”乳腺癌防治公益活动,联合国家癌症中心推出乳腺癌早诊早治指南,义诊惠及5万多女性,宣教覆盖过亿人;与国家卫健委脑卒中防治工程委员会共同启动“脑血管病影像规范中国行动” 并发布《中国脑血管病影像指导规范》;联合人民网/人民健康和中国医师协会等机构为基层医师提供培训,覆盖全国20多个省份,近3万人次,提升基层医疗服务人员在设备使用、临床诊治、运营服务等领域的能力和水平。 GE医疗在中国始终秉承“关爱每个中国人的生命重要时刻”之初心,积极履行企业社会责任,与中国共克时艰。2020年,GE捐助了价值2000万人民币医疗物资及现金(包括价值1000万元人民币的监护仪和超声设备)支持抗击新冠疫情。2021年720郑州特大暴雨中,GE医疗携手当地合作伙伴捐赠了价值人民币3000万元的医疗设备、配件和服务。2022年,分别向上海市慈善基金会捐助100万元,用于养老机构抗击新冠病毒专项行动并向无锡市新吴区捐赠100万元,支援抗疫。


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