海外营销经理Overseas Marketing Manager 15-20k
上海-浦东新区 3-5年 本科
五险一金 股票期权 绩效奖金 带薪年假 年度旅游 团队聚餐 节日礼物 通讯津贴 提供住宿 弹性工作
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  • 营销推广
  • 市场运营
  • 市场营销
  • 市场拓展
  • 市场数据分析
  • 市场调研分析
工作职责 Job responsibilities: 1. 根据公司总体战略,结合市场情况制定销售策略与规划并组织实施,达成销售目标; According to the company's overall strategy, combined with the market situation to develop sales strategy and planning and promote the implementation, to achieve sales targets; 2、根据既有的销售体系,完善完整销售体系和流程; According to the established sales system, improve the complete sales system and process; 3、维护现有客户关系,建立新客户联系,开拓新市场; Maintain existing customer relationships, establish new customer contacts and develop new markets; 4、负责销售团队的建设和成长,培养专业的销售团队,建立销售团队激励机制,激发销售人员进行客户开拓和维护; Responsible for the construction and growth of the sales team, cultivating a professional sales team, establishing sales team incentives, and motivating sales staff to develop and maintain customers; 5、制定销售费用的预算,控制销售成本,提高销售利润; Prepare budgets for sales expenses to control the cost of sales and increase sales profits; 6、负责所辖团队的销售管理,包括销售目标的制定、分解、部署、监督实施; Responsible for the sales management of the team, including the setting, breakdown, deployment and supervision of the implementation of sales targets; 7、深入了解本行业,把握最新销售信息,为公司提供业务发展和价格定位的战略依据; In-depth understanding of the industry, grasp the latest market sales dynamics, providing the company with a strategic basis for business development and price positioning; 8、建立和发展客户关系,向用户提供解决方案,掌握市场动态,熟悉市场状况并有独特见解和营销方案; Build and develop customer relationships and provide viable solutions to users, keep abreast of market dynamics and have unique insights and distinctive marketing solutions; 9、管理日常销售业务工作,审阅订货、发货等业务报表,指导、监督并有效控制销售活动。 Manage day-to-day sales operations, reviewing business reports such as orders and shipments, as well as directing, supervising and being able to effectively control sales activities. 任职要求 Job requirements: 1. 理工类相关专业毕业,如:应用化学,能源化学,材料科学与工程,材料物理,材料化学;本科及以上学历;可接受优秀应届生; Bachelor's degree or above in Science and Engineering related academic disciplines, such as: Applied Chemistry, Energy Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Physics, Materials Chemistry; Excellent freshers are accepted; 2、性格开朗、外向,具备敏锐的观察力、分析判断能力;具备良好的资源整合能力和市场洞察能力;对新能源材料、电池材料、催化、物质材料等领域感兴趣并有所了解; Outgoing, easy-going with keen observation, analysis and judgement ability; With good resource integration ability and market insight ability; Interest in and knowledge of new energy materials, battery materials, catalysis, inorganic materials, etc; 3、高度的责任心和自信心,高抗压能力; High level of responsibility and self-confidence with strong stress tolerance; 4、具备快速的学习变通能力、较强的市场开拓、客户沟通能力;强烈的结果导向和团队合作精神; Ability to learn and adapt quickly as well as strong market development and communication skills with customers; strong result orientation and teamwork spirit. 5、英语口语流利,专业领域和日常沟通无障碍。 Fluent in spoken English, barrier-free in professional fields and daily communication.


安徽枡水新能源科技有限公司(以下简称枡水科技)成立于2019年5月,围绕“国家氢能产业计划”,聚焦氢能制取与应用前沿领域,布局PEM电解水制氢、氢燃料电池、绿氢合成氨业务方向,致力于提供氢能关键材料、核心部件及设备的研发、生产与服务全链条解决方案,主要产品包括催化剂、膜电极与相关测试设备等,产品综合性能达到国内**、国际先进水平。 枡水科技是***高新技术企业、安徽省科技型中小企业,合肥市高新区雏鹰企业、深科技企业及示范**创新主体优秀企业,具有AAA级企业信用认证并已通过QES管理体系认证,获得势银 “绿氢产业30强”、“氢能产业50强”评定。 公司目前已突破氢能制取与应用领域的关键材料、核心部件与设备的技术壁垒,获得多项核心技术自主知识产权,一方面已建设自有研发生产基地,具备批量生产供应膜电极、催化剂的能力;另一方面,全力以赴进行产品推介和市场建设,扩大知名度,形成了稳定客户群。 展望未来,枡水科技将坚守“专业、专注、实干、家国”的价值观,坚持研发第一,心无旁骛攻专注于氢能产业关键材料的技术创新、产品创新和机制创新,致力于成为世界一流的氢能关键材料及核心部件供应商,为人类提供清洁高效能源。


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