C++软件工程师 - matlab/simulink 薪资面议
上海-浦东新区 5-10年 统招本科
顾女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • Hybrid
The Team: Our Assisted and Automated Driving team brings together expertise in automated driving, computer science and vehicle connectivity. With our partner, we are developing software and AI-powered driver assistance systems, autonomous driving solutions, as well as connected services for future vehicles. Responding to changing lifestyles and mobility trends, this is cutting-edge technology that will keep us at the forefront of delivering the world class and modern luxury driving experiences our customers love. Part of a global team (with English as our company language), you’ll collaborate with colleagues in multiple countries like India, USA, Hungary, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Poland and the UK amongst others, contributing to our award-winning products and playing a key role in reimagining the future of luxury and design with innovation. More international than ever before, our diverse team, work autonomously across multiple global sites in a hybrid, Agile and collaborative way. This is your chance to join us at a truly pivotable moment as we head towards increasing levels of automated driving. You’ll work on new architecture and technology and will partner with the best, creating our own operating system. What differentiates us from the rest? Well, we’re a small and fast-moving OEM where you’ll be part of the whole ADD process and take pride in seeing the outcome of your work with the launch of every new vehicle. Description As a Lead SW Engineer, you shall be responsible in creation of Software (SW) and review of the SW from our suppliers. The role requires the candidate to have experience in design and development of Embedded Software for complex projects. You will be part of a cross functional squad who will be responsible for writing SW requirements from system requirements, architecting software based on the SW requirements, designing software, reviewing software, unit testing of the software and integration of the SW to the overall product. Key Accountabilities and Responsibilities  Responsible for development of software for new JLR ECUs, this code can range from vehicle level across multiple ECUs to single ECU level depending on product and systems.  Designing SW from the Software requirements.  Testing the SW to validate the requirements and adhere to ASPICE standards.  Interact with Operating systems to architect the code to run as expected on the Hardware environments  Teamwork and Leadership: Positive team player, with the strength of character to drive non expert software engineers and mechanical engineers to support the development of robust code.  Understanding the business: Understands team & group goals  Problem Solving: Issue resolution is a key skill and software is often the quickest, but most complex to understand due to lack of physical nature. It is critical that the role can use extensive theory-based problem solving as repeating defects is often very time consuming and difficult, so being able to develop a list of theoretical root causes and be able to eliminate these through analysis / test is fundamental. Overall drive the problem-solving strategy to reach a root cause.  Planning and Scheduling: Agree a complete end-to-end development schedule for software including release timing targets, capable of delivering activities to achieve these plans and the drafting / evaluation of software release notes.  Coach, Train & Mentor: Shares knowledge with others through regular training and delivery support is fundamental to this role also.  Knowledge, Skills and Experience Essential  Significant development experience C++ and MATLAB.  Automotive development experience.  RTOS/HLOS experience (e.g. QNX).  Automotive networks & protocols (CANFD, ETH UDP, SomeIP, HTTPs, protobuf).  Capable of technically define / develop / maintain full software.  Knowledge of operating systems (e.g., Linux, QNX, etc.)  Coding standards (ex MISRA) & experience with Automotive Functional Safety ISO 26262.  Knowledge of software structures / architectures  Knowledge of the software development process and industry tool sets  Knowledge of how to define the system variability, error handling and robustness processes  Fundamental knowledge of electronics hardware platforms  Experience using Software Version Control systems  Committed team player, software programmes are often very complex and require extra ordinary effort to deliver due to limited expertise across OEM’s  Knowledge of hardware from silicon (processor, memory etc) up   Desirable  Python, Bash scripting.  Model based design is a bonus.  Ideally Adaptive Autosar experience. Classic is a bonus.  Experience in git.  Experience with ALM toolsets, JIRA/Confluence/Xray.  Full Driving Licence  Degree or equivalent experience preferred Personal Profile Essential  Proven track record in the quality development of software features  Displays a proactive willingness to volunteer for work elements / projects outside job scope where the individual can contribute, and it is a company priority  Identifies, quantifies and flags problems. Develops new principals and concepts.  Executes to schedule on assigned work with attention to detail.  Clearly communicates work/schedule to supervisor  Freely and proactively shares knowledge with others  Acts with freedom to take on and resolve technical / business challenges that are preventing successful delivery of the project/s  Flexibility to travel to other JLR / partner locations when required to assist in delivery of project objectives


作为英国历史悠久的豪华汽车制造商,2021年,捷豹路虎提出“重塑未来”全球战略,强调以可持续性发展为基石,通过设计赋能,定义新现代豪华主义。2023年,捷豹路虎发布“重塑未来”全球战略最新举措——品牌重塑策略与电动化进程,致力于为每个品牌打造独树一帜的品牌个性,以此加速企业愿景落地。 在可持续发展趋势的背景下,捷豹路虎致力于以更灵活的业务运营模式,以成为全球最令人向往的新现代豪华主义品牌创造者为目标,服务最尊崇的消费者。放眼2039年,捷豹路虎将达到贯穿整个供应链、产品研发及运营的净零碳排放目标。电动化是“重塑未来”战略的核心,捷豹路虎目标在2030年前成为全面电动化的新现代豪华主义汽车制造商,揽胜、发现和卫士品牌家族将陆续推出纯电动车型,而捷豹品牌将实现全面电动化。 中国市场以成为“重塑未来”全球战略落地的先锋部队为目标。自2010年进入中国市场以来,捷豹路虎在上海、北京、广州和成都四地设立办公室,并在全国范围内拥有近240家授权经销商,致力于为中国消费者提供优质的新现代豪华主义产品与尊崇服务体验。同时,捷豹路虎不断丰富在华产品布局,深入推进本土化进程。目前,全新Ingenium英杰力2.0升发动机及五款车型均已在华投产。 植根中国,深耕本土,捷豹路虎中国始终将企业社会责任作为企业战略的重要组成部分,不断深入践行对中国市场的长期承诺。2014年,捷豹路虎中国携手中国宋庆龄基金会成立“中国宋庆龄基金会捷豹路虎中国青少年梦想基金”。 9年来,梦想基金聚焦创新素质教育、社会关爱、中英交流、灾难救助四大领域,开展了“路虎关爱无止境—青少年视力关爱项目”、“捷豹·托特纳姆热刺校园足球项目”、“梦想课堂”等公益IP项目,以更加专业、高效、创新的方式助力更多青少年实现梦想!截至目前,捷豹路虎中国已投入近1亿元,惠及超过60万名青少年,为他们带去成长的力量和充满希望的未来。


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