设备工程师 电气 Equipment Engineer 10-20k·13薪
上海-青浦区 3-5年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 年度旅游 团队聚餐 节日礼物 定期体检 通讯津贴 免费班车
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Main Responsibilities: 1. 处理解决日常灌包装设备出现的故障,通过设备、工装机构设计、改造、优化,协助生产不断提高优化生产流程,并提高效率; Do troubleshooting for daily filling & pack equipment malfunctions; To facilitate production process optimization and productivity improvement by equipment, fixture design, reform, and optimization. 2. 根据生产需要参与制定并监督设备维修大、中、小修计划和设备维护保养管理工作;保证设备的长周期安全运行。 Participating and supervise equipment Major, medium, and minor repair, and maintenance plan according to production plan, to make sure a long-term safe and smooth operation. 3. 根据持续改善理论,熟练运用PM体系不断优化设备管理工作。 Continuously improvement on equipment management work through PM theory. 4. 负责公司各种生产设备、设施的管理,建立相关的设备管理制度,并组织实施,包含但不限于设备的验证、设备档案建立及管理、设备的调拨、封存启封、报废出售管理等,来确保设备的稳定运行,保证生产顺畅。 Be responsible of production facilities and equipment management, building up and implementing related production equipment management policy and processes, includes but not limited to equipment verification, document sorting and administration, equipment allocation and transfer, sealing and unsealing, equipment scraping and selling management, and to insure production equipment stability and smooth production. 5. 新设备采购:根据生产发展或项目需要,协同上级经理制定新设备采购、投资计划,组织设备的选型和申购;组织设备的安装、调试、验收及成功的交接,保证设备采购的顺利进行。 New equipment procurement: collaborate with superior to make equipment procurement and investment plan according to production development and project requirements, organize equipment selection and purchasing; equipment installation, debugging, acceptance and successful handover, to make sure a smooth procurement process. 6. 设备相关知识的总结培训及传递。 Knowledge and information summarize, training and delivering to mechanic and operators. 7. 负责设备备品备件计划的提报,并保证备品备件的合理库存。 Be responsible for spare parts planning and keep reasonable inventory. 8. 其它与设备相关的工作内容。 Other equipment related work. Qualifications: 1. 本科以上,机械工程、电气工程、自动化,机电一体化或相关专业。 Bachelor’s degree or above, major in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, automation, mechatronics or related. 2. 熟悉电气工程、机械、气动相关的理论知识; Familiar with Electrical, Mechanical and Pneumatic knowledge. 3. 熟悉化妆品线设备,例如灌装机、贴标机等; Familiar with Cosmetics production line equipment, like filling machine, labeler and so on. 4. 良好的英文读写与口语能力,能与外籍工程师讨论技术问题。 Good written and spoken English ability, can communicate with foreign engineer. 5. 熟悉配制工艺尤佳。 Compounding process knowledge (Better to have).


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