必维嘉航检验员 6-12k·13薪
湛江 5-10年 大专
五险一金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 领导好 发展空间大 公司规模大 技能培训 岗位晋升
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Job Description 职责描述: 1. Carry out inspection and testing according to BV's quality management system, health, safety and environment system, ISO17020 system and relevant specifications to ensure that the inspection and testing conform to the company's management system. 根据公司质量管理系统、HSE系统、ISO17020等法律法规要求,执行检验和测试; 2. Complete on-site inspection and inspection work and report on time and with high quality. 适应出差,在项目所在地,按时高质量完成检验工作和检验报告; 3. Keep good communication with customers and colleagues. 与客户和同事保持良好的沟通,进行技术交流与澄清; 4. Technical support and complete other work assigned by the company. 技术支持,完成公司分配的其他工作任务。 Job requirements 职位要求: 1. College degree or above, major in metal material engineering, mechanical engineering, NDT and welding is preferred. 大专或以上学历,金属材料、机械工程、无损检测、焊接等理工类专业; 2. More than 1 years of relevant experience. UT/MT/PT/RT-2 certification, senior inspection experiences will be preferred 一年及以上相关工作检验, 具有UT/MT/PT/RT-2级证书者优先; 3. Non-destructive testing experience or related experience in pressure equipment, steel structure, castings, forgings, pipelines, drill stem and marine structures is preferred. 无损检测、压力容器、铸造、锻造、钻井设备、海上检验等相关工作经验更佳; 4. Work experience in a third-party testing company is preferred; good English is preferred (at least a report in both Chinese and English is required); familiar with relevant office software. 熟悉办公软件,有在第三方检测公司工作经验者更佳,能用中英文书写测试报告者更佳。 Working Location 工作地点: 天津/江苏/湛江等华东及华南区域 


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