董事长特别助理 薪资面议
上海 10年以上 本科
朱女士 一周前在线 已认证
- Provide Project Management technical expertise through the strategic planning, financial managment, implementation, resource alignment and prioritization of projects based on organizational needs and goals. - Document plans, statuses, calendars and outcomes for multiple projects according to set project scope. - Prepare and interpret flowcharts, calculate and monitor metrics and manage project scope timelines with step-by-step action plans. - Utilize internal tools and systems to streamline operations and efficiencies Partner with key stakeholders and collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify the best options to deliver on a reasonable schedule, while validating and documenting project requirements and workflows. - Deliver regular program status updates to Senior Management team and other cross functional team members. - Provide presentations to various levels within the organization communicating findings, results and other project details. - Stay current on business related items, industry trends and technology advances through continued research and exploration. - Establish highly productive relationships with individuals and teams that are made up of diverse disciplines and cultural backgrounds resulting in effective working relationships across the Global organization. - Develop strong knowledge of stakeholder activities, processes, and challenges to help identify and develop operational improvements. Qualifications - Bachelor’s Degree preferred with 10+ years of experience in Project Management, PMP and financial management are a plus. - Strong communication and interpersonal skills with aptitude in building relationships with professionals of all organizational levels. - Excellent organizational skills and exceptional attention to detail. - Strong computer skills- experience with Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint required. Smartsheets, Box and Adobe Creative Suite experience is a plus. - Business Acumen – understands and demonstrates an understanding of business, priorities, opportunities and challenges and external influencing factors. - Ability to work in a complex global organization satisfying the needs of diverse constituents with competing deadlines and priorities. - Ability to effectively prepare and present information with multiple stakeholders at varying levels within the organization. - Proactive desire to own and drive projects forward through measurable process, planning and team engagement in a very fast paced environment. - Critical Thinking ability to analyze and evaluate situations to mitigate issues or risks before they happen, developing solutions to complex problems. - Advanced organizational ability to prioritize and multitask to keep multiple projects with varying timelines and priority levels running smoothly. - Taiwanese perfer -


上海美声服饰辅料有限公司是中国成衣辅料业的先驱,成立于1994年,作为集设计、制版、印刷、包装、销售于一体的综合型公司,美声一直秉持着“管理创新、质量为本、诚信立业”的经营理念,为全球客户提供价格牌、吊牌、水洗标、印标、织标、高低标、皮牌、手袋、包装盒、条码系列、不干胶等各类产品。 美声企业的全球营运及生产据点涵盖中国、越南、孟加拉、柬埔寨、印度等多个国家,旗下包括:台湾美声企业股份有限公司、上海美声服饰辅料有限公司、浙江美声服饰辅料有限公司、上海美兴包装印刷有限公司、上海宇强贸易有限公司、上海赞诺有限公司、美正国际贸易有限公司、浙江嘉声复合面料有限公司、深圳美声包装印刷有限公司、香港美声有限公司等。 历经18年,美声人用集体智慧完成了麻雀到凤凰的蜕变,美声企业被评为高新技术企业、吊牌印制品牌产业研发基地、上海市著名商标、上海名牌、劳动关系和谐企业,通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证、ISO14001:2004环境质量体系认证、OHSAS18001:2007职业健康安全管理体系认证及FSC-COC认证,并连续多年获得AAA诚信认证等。 美声企业,是一个蓄势待发的团队,更是一个懂得回馈社会的团队。“感恩惜福”是我们企业文化的精髓,“热情工作,快乐生活”是我们的工作态度,本着“以人为本、员工一家”的原则,公司提供员工学习、挑战之环境,使员工皆能发挥所长、同心与公司共创未来,共享成果。竭诚欢迎您的加入,因为我们是“一家人”! 公司上班时间每周一~周五:8:30~17:30。 公司拥有健全的薪资管理制度,提供具竞争力的薪酬及完善的福利制度(如五险一金、带薪年休假、定期举办旅游、尾牙、园游会、篮球赛等丰富多彩的员工活动)。


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