OPM工程师(电子消费外企) 18-24k
广州-黄埔区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 定期体检 公司规模大
赵女士 10小时前在线 已认证
Key Qualifications: • Experience in manufacturing, process engineering, supply chain or product development. Consumer electronics background preferred. Description: OPMs are pivotal to the dynamic development and launch of Apple’s products. A successful NPI OPM is a leader and facilitator; is driven, organized and detail oriented; excels in program/ project management; communicates with ease at all levels; thrives in an ambiguous environment and is adept at facilitating actions and resolving conflicts, both internally and with our vendor partners. We lead within worldwide Operations and collaborate with the core product development team and other functional organizations within Apple. • Own the Core Technologies operations readiness and successful bring up of critical components for iPhone, iPad, Watch, Mac products and other new products. • Be a strong leader and standout colleague, collaborating with technical leads, process, quality, and procurement teams and external suppliers. • Lead program readiness reviews to ensure overall factory readiness from a 4M standpoint, and drive closure on issues putting launch at risk. • Work with internal and vendor cross-functional teams to drive readiness and execution of all pre-launch builds in pursuit of a successful launch. Responsible for successful mass production ramp-up. • Excellent communicator, able to present in regular meetings with large multi-functional teams and executives. • Able to drive continuous improvements with vendors to enhance their competency and robustness. Education & Experience: • BS or MS degree in Industrial, Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Engineering. MBA is a plus. Duration & Service Level: Refer to list below for duration. All service level L3B.


软通动力信息技术(集团)股份有限公司(以下简称“软通动力”)是中国**的软件与信息技术服务商,致力于成为具有全球影响力的数字技术服务领导企业,企业数字化转型可信赖合作伙伴。2005年,公司成立于北京,立足中国,服务全球市场。目前,在全球40余个城市设有近百个分支机构和超过20个全球交付中心,员工90000余人。 秉承用数字技术提升客户价值的使命,软通动力长期提供软件与数字技术服务和数字化运营服务,其中软件与数字技术服务包括咨询与解决方案、数字技术服务和通用技术服务;凭借深厚的行业积累,公司在10余个重要行业服务超过1000家国内外客户,其中超过200家客户为世界500强或中国500强企业。 软通动力注重创新和可持续发展。公司已建设30个能力中心,拥有1个***工程实验室,5个省市政府认定的工程、技术实验室及研发中心,1个博士后科研工作站,50+技术合作伙伴的生态合作体系,利用多种形式鼓励研发创新,不断探索前沿技术的巨大商业应用潜力。软通动力依托自身的教育平台,开展校企合作、协同育人,为公司长期发展培养人才。 软通动力先后获得“2021 中国软件和信息技术服务竞争力百强企业”、“2022中国新经济企业500强”、“2022信创产业**企业100强”、“2021年中国IT服务市场排名*****”、“2022中国**ESG雇主”等荣誉及市场认可,并连续多年被授予“中国软件和信息服务业突出贡献奖”、“Global Outsourcing 100 list *******Size Group”等荣誉,并拥有能力成熟度模型CMMI-DEV 5级、TMMi 3级、CS4级等专业资质。 软通动力雇主品牌价值主张信赖 奋斗 与我们一同攀升 信赖 是软通动力为客户创造价值和雇主与员工间彼此成就的纽带 奋斗 是软通人铸就品质与创新精神、恪守持续学习准则、秉持包容开放心态、坚定价值创造信念的基石 与我们一同攀升 是无数来自于不同岗位、不同业务乃至不同地域的软通人对从事的职业、专注的事业、拥有的理念而自豪的信标


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