VP Controls Assurance, RCAS 40-50k
广州-天河区 5-10年 本科
带薪年假 定期体检 弹性工作 领导好 扁平管理 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升 五险一金 发展空间大
梁女士 4小时前在线 已认证
职责描述: Lead an assessment team of Assistant Vice Presidents (AVPs – GCB5s) and Managers (GCB6), as they evaluate a portfolio of controls for design effectiveness, operating effectiveness and/or risk management outcomes, raising issues as appropriate. Ensure that assigned control assessments are accurate, effective, abide by CA(Controls Assurance) and RCAS (Risk and Compliance Assurance Services) methodology, procedures, and templates, and meet quality control requirements and are delivered on time, in accordance with the CA assessment plan. Supervise the delivery of assigned control assessments, using experience and knowledge to intervene and redirect testing as required, resolving, or redirecting escalations as required. Ensure that assigned control assessments are delivered on time, in accordance with the CA assessment plan. Manage control owners and other stakeholders, ensuring the success of individual reviews, minimising contention where possible and requesting support, where deemed necessary. Manage the documentation of distinct control types, covering key aspects, such as remit, main processes and handovers to other teams. Ensure that issue owners complete sufficient root cause analysis for all material issues and have appropriate remediation plans in place. Lead, develop and motivate the assessment team to attract, retain and develop talent, ensuring the successful delivery of assigned control assessments. Support the Head of Control Assurance in fulfilling CA responsibilities as required, including budget management, resourcing and feeding into the development of procedures and templates. 任职要求: Minimum of 5 years proven experience in assurance, audit, compliance or risk management within financial services or other major industries. In-depth knowledge about Insurance risk and control framework including Actuarial Decisions, Underwriting Decisions, Insurance Claims Handling, Insurance Risk governance and oversight and Reinsurance Arrangements, and knowledge of relevant regional laws, regulations and the overall regulatory environment preferred. Understanding of Resilience Risk, Model Risk and the end-to-end insurance business life cycle requirements. Experienced people manager, with excellent communication skills, a polished management style, and a proven track record of leading through change. Proven ability to question, evaluate, and improve existing business processes and adequacy of information. Experience working with local and regional stakeholders and an understanding of global standards of quality. Minimum Bachelor’s degree in related field such as business, finance, law or equivalent experience; Master’s degree / Certified Internal Auditor, or certification in Information Systems Audit preferred. Requires understanding of the changing regulatory landscape that applicable to respective insurance entities within the Group. Broad knowledge of banking and a good understanding of all significant regulatory compliance requirements applicable to a CoE. Experience developing assurance automation and analytics tools preferred. Fluent in both oral and written English. Proficient with Microsoft Office. 福利待遇 - 具竞争力的薪酬:基本工资+绩效奖金+轮班补贴+早晚班交通津贴; - 健全福利保障:五险一金+补充性商业医疗保险+免费年度体检; - 畅享10+天假期:除享有国家法定节假日外,还拥有至少10天带薪年假、12天带薪病假、1天生日假、婚假、产检假、产假以及陪产假、哺乳假等,助您达到工作生活的平衡; - 弹性福利制度:年假可买卖,商业医疗保险套餐可升级,您还可申请旅游补贴、个人进修补助、运动健身补贴等,满足个性化福利需求; - 人性化工作环境:使用公司的员工餐厅、咖啡室、休息室、娱乐室等,进行劳逸结合; - 多元化员工活动:运动会、团建、年会等精彩活动给您平台,任您施展才华。 培训与发展 - 广阔的职业发展平台:遍及全球的集团网络,提供扩展人脉及跨文化交流的机会,您还可申请不同国家及地区的长短期职位,不断挑战自我; - 系统性人才培育及发展:配备职业导师,为您提供清晰的职业规划指导,充分挖掘横向及纵向的发展潜力; - 完善的专业培训体系:入职即可享带薪培训,多元化的培训机会,还有资源及教育援助,帮您逐步实现职业目标。


汇丰环球营运中心 - 中国 汇丰集团 汇丰控股有限公司是汇丰集团的母公司,总部设于伦敦。集团业务遍布欧洲、亚洲、北美洲、拉丁美洲,以及中东和北非63个国家及地区设有办事处,为全球客户服务。于2022年9月30日,集团的资产达29,920亿美元,是全球规模较大的银行和金融服务机构之一。 香港上海汇丰银行有限公司是汇丰集团的创始成员,透过旗下三大环球业务,包括财富管理及个人银行、工商金融、以及环球银行及资本市场,为全球客户服务。 汇丰环球营运中心中国 汇丰环球营运中心中国成立于1996年。 汇丰环球营运中心中国在广州和佛山拥有三个环球营运中心,分别位于广州汇丰大厦、广州太古汇办公大楼以及位于广东省金融高新区的汇丰银行大厦,由汇丰环球客户服务(广东)有限公司统一管理,共同为汇丰集团世界各地的分支机构提供营运支援服务。 汇丰环球客户服务(广东)有限公司为汇丰集团在香港、英国、美国、加拿大、日本、中国大陆、新加坡和澳门的分支机构提供多种语言的优质服务,包括广东话、普通话、英语、日语、韩语和泰语。 我们非常重视日常工作的质量,例如为客户处理各种申请以及付款交易,这将为客户带来不一样的体验,并最终帮助业务增长。我们正在改革提供服务的方式,以反映客户期望的理财途径,即电子化程度更高、能即时实现以及先进的移动设备。我们拥有一支年轻、多元化且充满抱负的员工队伍,因此我们努力提供良好的工作环境,务求让人人都产生归属感并能发挥自身潜力。 由于业务发展迅速,自25年前公司创立以来,员工人数也从最初60名员工的团队发展成今天超过13,000名金融服务人员的专业团队,为汇丰集团世界各地的分支机构提供如下服务: 1. 数据分析(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 2. 银行卡及贷款服务 3. 风险管控运营中心 4. 客户及账户管理服务(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 5. 催收 6. 合规稽查 7. 客户联络中心(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 8. 信贷分析(财富管理及个人银行和工商金融) 9. 客户尽职调查 10. 数字化客户管理服务 11. 财务营运 12. 金融犯罪风险合规 13. 环球数据中心 14. 印务及电子出版 15. 环球调研 16. 环球员工背景审查 17. 第三方供应商管理中心 18. 环球贸易及供应链服务 19. 人力资源营运 20. 国际客户开户服务 21. 市场及证券服务 22. 按揭服务 23. 财富管理及私人银行服务 24. 营运变革 25. 付款筛查服务 26. 付款服务 27. 退休金服务 28. 风险及合规营运 29. 并购融资业务执行 30. 承保服务


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
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