产品工程师 8-14k·14薪
合肥-肥西县 5-10年 大专
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 发展空间大 技能培训 岗位晋升 优秀员工奖 年度旅游
章女士 1天前在线 已认证
人力资源专员 · 华翔汽车车门
  • Catia
  • 内饰
  • 门内护板
  • 立柱护板
  • 仪表板
  • 内外饰
职责描述: 1 根据客户提供的要求、样品、标准,进行产品结构、功能和材料分析,协助完成项目的前期开发分析; According to customer requirements, samples, standards, analyze product structure, function and material, and assist in the completion of the project pre-development analysis; 2 确定相关设计输入要求、 法规、标准,形成文件并评审是否恰当;对不完善的、含糊的、矛盾的要求,会同 提出者共同解决 ; Determine the relevant design input requirements, regulations, standards, documented and review whether it is appropriate; for imperfect, vague, contradictory requirements, solve them together with the proposer; 3 负责牵头编制和完善FMEA、确定相关材料和工艺、制订产品技术条件和试验大纲;产品设计输出技术文件在发放前验证、评审、确认; Responsible for the lead preparation and improvement of FMEA, determine the relevant materials and processes, develop product technical conditions and test program; product design output technical documents should be verified, reviewed and confirmed before being issued; 4 牵头产品前期试制, 并解决试制/生产过程中与产品结构、材料等设计有关的问题,必要时组织进行设计更改; Lead product pre-trial, and solve the related problems in trial / production process, product structure, materials and other design-related issues, if necessary, organize the design changes; 5 参与对供应商的技术评审. 并负责发布项目外购件技术要求(SOR); Participate in the technical review of the supplier and release the technical requirements (SOR); 6 参与各种直接影响产品结构、材料、数据的技术活动,运用VA/VE方法,确保产品设计开发过程中资源使用的最优化; Participate in various technical activities that directly affect the product structure, materials and data, and use the VA / VE method to ensure the optimization of resource use during product design and development; 7 在整个产品开发过程中,始终按客户和公司的体系要求完成技术开发和文件管理工作; Throughout the product development process, always complete the technical development and document management according to customer and company system requirements; 8 跟踪项目实际开发工时,分析工时差异性的原因,更新标准工时; Track the actual development hours of the project, analyze the causes of the differences in working hours and update the standard working hours; 9 完成部门主管交给的其他工作; Complete other tasks assigned by department supervisor; 任职要求: 大专以上学历或具备中级以上职称; With college degree of the intermediate professional titles above; 了解公司质量体系文件相关要素的要求,主持并指导相关工作的开展,并对项目经理负责; Familiar with the requirements stipulated in the company’s Quality Control System Documents. Provide the guidelines of the related activities and be responsible for the comprehensive director. 5年以上相关管理岗位工作经验; Bearing experience in the management field of more than 1 year; 具备良好的外语能力,能使用英语进行技术交流;一定的计算机应用能力,熟练使用与本职工作相关的计算机软件。 Good foreign language ability, can use English for technical communication; With certain skills in computer field and capable of using the software related with the position. 熟练掌握Catia设计软件的使用,并能熟练使用至少两种常用设计软件; Familiar with the Catia designing software and capable of operation in at least two commonly used designing software. 了解公司内各模具制造设备、各种成型工艺性能及加工能力; Familiar with the equipment of mold production, the molding craftsmanship performance and processing abilities;




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  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
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