人力资源助理/HR(应届生可投) 薪资面议
深圳-罗湖区 经验不限 统招本科
五险一金 年终奖金 带薪年假 定期体检 发展空间大 公司规模大 管理规范 岗位晋升 弹性工作 年底双薪
王女士 1天前在线 已认证
  • 社保公积金管理
  • 入职管理
  • 离职管理
  • 人事档案
  • 户证管理
  • 合同管理
  • 员工关系
*应届生可投;在校生可以申请该岗位实习,表现优异者可转正 Responsibilities:  Responsible for HR Operation services including but not limited to new joiner’s onboarding, contract management, staff file management, staff resignation process, certification letter preparation, government subsidy application etc..  Handle government inspection, align with other markets on standard operation processes  Lead/implement DE&I culture network  Assist with other ad-hoc tasks and Greater China Talent project as needed Requirements:  Bachelor’s degree or above  Relevant HR work experience; excellent Fresh graduates are welcome  Well organized, efficient and is able to pay attention to details  Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, fluent in verbal and written English  Problem solver and good at handling work pressure  Able to learn and master different roles and job natures  Good command of PC skill in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.  With previous experience in HR infrastructure or project management would be a plus
所属部门:Core Business Services


Welcome to EY EY is one of the leading global professional services organizations with 175,000 staff around the world. We are proud of our people culture which we believe sets us apart in the profession. EY helps you achieve your best by providing great learning and career growth opportunities, by offering ways to help you achieve satisfaction in work and life, and by looking at each decision with a keen eye toward how it will affect you. Transactions We can help you make informed decisions about how to manage capital and transactions in a changing world. We put your capital needs at the heart of our strategy and focus on the issues that matter most to you when preserving capital, optimizing capital, investing capital or raising capital.


您与该职位的匹配度: 登录查看


1. 如您发现平台内招聘方存在以下违规行为的,请立即举报
  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
  • b. 要求您提供担保人、担保金或者以其他名义向您收取财物( 如培训费、体检费、资料费、置装费、押金等);
  • c. 强迫您入股或者向您集资;
  • d. 以招聘名义牟取不正当利益;
  • e. 发布虚假招聘广告信息;
  • f. 存在其他损害您的合法权益的行为。
2. 如您应聘的岗位属于涉外劳务合作/海外岗位的,请务必核实招聘方对外劳务合作资质取得情况,同时注意自身资金安全,防范招聘欺诈。


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