Photonics Education Specialist 光学教学顾问 25-35k
上海 3-5年 硕士
五险一金 带薪年假 年度旅游 团队聚餐 定期体检 领导好 管理规范 技能培训 岗位晋升
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Job Description The Photonics Education Specialist will be responsible for designing and improving laboratory training and demonstration programs in Thorlabs Education Center located in Shanghai. He/she will design experiments dedicated to conduct photonics lab knowledge and skills to our customers and internal employees. The successful candidate will need to demonstrate a broad understanding of photonics, practical lab experience in designing and building a wide variety of experimental setups, and the ability to create laboratory scenarios that will foster our customers and employees to learn new skills. He/she will also help develop oral presentation skills of the Application Engineers group. Key Responsibilities • Design and Provide Laboratory Education o Design lab programs that provide customers and internal employees with practical knowledge of products and applications. The programs will need to cover basics to more application oriented experiences o Design and deliver lectures on advanced topics including both laboratory and theoretical knowledge, as well as state-of-the-art applications o Provide support to more experienced engineers as they design their own experiments o Teach how to keep a lab notebook and how to present the results • Support integration of our products into customer applications • Engage in outreach activities • Participate in design, construction, and support of tradeshow demonstrations Requirements • Master in Physics or Engineering (PhD is a plus) • 3+ year’s laboratory experience in research or product development • Excellent teaching and communication skills • Broad base of photonics knowledge with expertise in multiple applications and measurement/analysis techniques (e.g., Optical Coherence tomography, Fourier Transformation, Spectroscopy, Laser Characterization, Fiber Optics, Polarization Optics, Adaptive Optics) • Strong motivation on constantly learning new technologies, new applications and new developed products • Ability to work independently as well as part of a team • Fluent in Mandarin and English


索雷博(Thorlabs)公司成立于1989年,我们的分支机构遍布全球9个国家,在美国、加拿大、英国、德国、法国、瑞典、日本、中国和巴西拥有制造工厂和销售中心,员工总人数达到3000多人。公司产品多达20,000多种,从简单的光学元器件、机械器材、到精密的成套检测和测量系统,我们的产品包罗万象,应有尽有。作为光电子行业新兴市场的开拓者,索雷博一直走在研发创新的前沿,凭借先进的设备和客户至上的服务理念,为客户的成功之路添砖加瓦。 Thorlabs 中国成立于2009年,员工人数约占全球总人数的9%。除了为中国及亚洲市场的客户提供优质、高效的销售及客户服务外,中国公司还拥有实力雄厚的研发和制造中心,研发项目覆盖光学/电子/机械/材料/化学/软件等领域。Thorlabs 中国拥有优秀的人才团队,约70% 的成员为本科以上学历,工程技术人员中约 60% 拥有硕士及以上学历,有来自普林斯顿大学、曼彻斯特大学、清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、中国科学技术大学、浙江大学、中科院各研究所的学霸,也有来自各高科技行业的技术大牛。 中国公司投资上亿元人民币打造的光学/电子/压电陶瓷/成像系统等多个实验室,为研发、制造提供了扎实的硬件基础。液晶可调谐带通滤光器、空间光调制器、宽谱光源和压电惯性位移台等 Thorlabs 明星产品都是中国研发团队的杰出佳作。中国团队参与开发并维护的软件系统也广泛应用在产品中,包括显微成像系统、光源控制器等精密系统。 我们引以为傲的光子学培训与演示实验室,免费面向客户开设多种基础理论培训、专题培训、以及产品的实物参观与演示,帮助客户了解产品的工作原理和应用方向,受到一致好评和广泛推荐。 公司的使命宣言是:探索、实现、推动光电子核心技术的发展——以科技改变世界。作为Thorlabs全球战略中的重要构成,中国团队始终秉持“客户至上”的原则,保证产品和服务质量,不断提升客户满意度。同时,我们致力于为员工提供安全健康、富于挑战、轻松活跃的工作氛围,帮助员工实现个人成长和职业成功。 福利:带薪年假、补充医保、明星员工奖、忠诚员工奖、专利奖金、定期体检等 培训成长:“雷”人知识讲堂、产品讲座、丰富的学习资源、灵活的成长激励方案 团体活动:旅游、家庭日、趣味运动会、乒乓球社团、羽毛球社团、图书角等 “索”向披靡的“雷”人团队欢迎“博”学多才的您,让我们携手在光电子的璀璨之路上一起探索、追光、奔跑……


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