Scientist, Analytical Science 实验室分析工程师 薪资面议
苏州-工业园区 1-3年 统招本科
五险一金 领导好 公司规模大
许女士 1天前在线 已认证
HR specialist · 亿滋
Are You Ready to Make It Happen at Mondelēz International? Join our Mission to Lead the Future of Snacking. Make It With Pride. You plan and execute experiments and apply your fundamental understanding to analysis of results. You also plan and implement analytical solution for various projects, - and build broad connections with stakeholders in your functional area and across the organization globally. How you will contribute You will be responsible for performing a range of scientific analysis to ensure that projects are completed effectively within required time, and which meet customers’ expectations. Under supervision, you will required to apply existing testing method and also develop new analytical methods for experiments to provide data and insights for validation. To succeed in this role, you will need to collaborate with internal and external expertise/supplier/organizations to pan and perform analysis and report work in accordance with analytical standards, ensure effective organization of your assigned workload, and assess the integrity and accuracy of the analytical data generated. Maintaining a clean, tidy and safe working environment is crucial in your role, so you will use the laboratory’s best practices in your work. You will use your knowledge of generic and specific software packages (such as analytical instruments and statistics) and deliver technical reports and presentations to internal groups. In addition, you will train and mentor junior team members in analysis and laboratory programs and provide administrative support for laboratory management. What you will bring • Good understanding of relevant laboratory equipment and techniques (theory and practice) and is able to provide basic maintenance (eg. DSC, SFC, NIR, Rheology, texture analysis, Particle size etc) • Accountability to deliver the analytical scope of the projects • Flexible and adaptable to meet customer/business requirements • Meticulous attention to detail and an ability to follow written instructions • Good Communication skills and able to develop good working relationships with others • Self motivated, enthusiastic and quick to learn • Scientific understanding and ability to conduct chemical analysis in relevant areas under supervision


亿滋国际(Mondelēz International)是全球零食行业的引领者之一,2017年销售额近260亿美元,在世界500强榜单排名第421位。公司总部位于美国伊利诺伊州(Illinois, USA),业务遍及全球165个国家及地区。亿滋国际的前身是卡夫食品。作为全球领先的饼干、巧克力、口香糖、糖果及固体饮料制造商,亿滋国际各品类在竞争领域中均占据主导地位,饼干、糖果市场排名全球第一,巧克力、口香糖则排名全球第二。亿滋国际旗下拥有多个年收益超过10亿美元的明星品牌,如奥利奥、露怡、纳贝斯克饼干、吉百利、吉百利牛奶巧克力、妙卡巧克力、清至口香糖和菓珍固体饮料。亿滋国际在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为MDLZ,是标准普尔500指数、纳斯达克100指数、道琼斯可持续发展指数的成分股。 亿滋中国(原“卡夫食品中国”)于1984年进入中国市场,总部设在上海,隶属于亚太、中东及非洲大区,是零食业务的市场引领者。从2013年7月1日起卡夫食品中国正式更名为亿滋中国,继续为中国消费者奉上“亿万好滋味”。亿滋中国旗下拥有奥利奥、露怡、趣多多、焙朗、闲趣、太平苏打、优冠、王子、乐之、炫迈、清至、荷氏、怡口莲、妙卡和菓珍等多个为中国消费者所熟知且喜爱的品牌。目前公司约六千名员工,在华东、华南、华北有强大的生产基地,并在苏州设立了亚太饼干研发中心。 目前公司有4500余名员工,在华东、华南、华北均设有强大的生产基地,在全国各地设立近40个销售办公室,2009年,亿滋亚太区规模最大的研发中心落户苏州工业园。2017年,亿滋中国荣获多个最佳雇主奖项,如中国招聘与任用价值大奖 (智享会发起)、HR管理团队典范 (前程无忧发起)、中国大学生最佳雇主(中华英才网发起)、上海年度非凡雇主 (猎聘发起)、上海地区非常雇主(大街网发起)等。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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