微生物限度检验员 3-4k
海口-秀英区 1-3年 大专
五险一金 免费班车 提供住宿 住房补贴 定期体检
沈女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • 生物工程
1、大学以上学历,药学相关专业; 2、负责微生物限度检查室检验设备设施的使用、维护并记录; 3、负责菌种和培养基的验收、贮存、使用、销毁的管理,并记录; 4、负责微生物检验用具的灭菌、消毒及检验后染菌物品的灭菌工作,并记录; 5、负责按照相关SOP规定的程序对物料、产品进行微生物限度检验和记录 6、负责微生物限度检查室相关房间和设备设施的温湿度和压差的检查并记录,定期打印存档等 7、按时完成领导交办的工作。


意大利赞邦集团(Zambon S.p.A)是一家致力于制药和化工领域的跨国集团,1906年创建于意大利维琴察(Vicenza)。经过百年来的发展,赞邦集团凭借持续的创新能力、灵活的经营模式和客户***的企业理念,已跃居世界百强制药公司之列。目前,赞邦集团业务遍及全球16个国家和地区,在呼吸系统抗氧化治疗及泌尿系统抗感化治疗等领域位居前列。 海南赞邦制药有限公司是由赞邦集团于1998年在海南投资的制药企业。成立十几年来,海南赞邦成绩斐然。2000年,通过了国家GMP认证,拥有世界先进的全自动颗粒剂生产线。依靠赞邦集团雄厚的研发实力,海南赞邦制药的产品涉及呼吸疾病、泌尿疾病、内分泌及心脑血管等治疗领域。2007年,接受了意大利政府AIFA的GMP现场检查,并取得了该部门颁发的欧盟GMP认证证书,成为海南省***通过欧盟GMP认证的制药企业。 展望未来,赞邦集团会秉承近百年来的传统,专注于医药研究及全球业务的开发,为人类的健康生活做出更大的贡献。海南赞邦制药也必将借助赞邦集团的优势,将更多先进的产品带给中国,以更加专业的服务,带给人类健康的生活。 Established in 1906 in Vicenz, Italy, Zambon S.p.A is a multinational enterprise in pharmacy and chemical industry. Having a history of more than 100 years, Zambon has become one of the 100 pharmaceutical companies for its continuing effort on innovation and high-quality customer service. Zambon now is doing business in 16 countries and regions all over the world and in the position in the fields of oxidation treatment in respiratory system as well as treatment of infections of the urinary tract. Hainan Zambon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd was founded in 1998 by Zambon S.p.A. Hainan Zambon has achieved a lot during the past years. In 2000, we obtained the national certificate of GMP and built up the advanced granule automatic production line. Our product research involves in the treatment on respiratory diseases, urinary tract diseases, endocrine diseases, cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, etc. In 2007, we received the GMP certificate issued by AIFA of Italy and became the first pharmaceutical company in Hainan qualified by the GMP certificate of European Union. Looking into the future, Zambon Group will keep the 100 years tradition, dedicate on the development of pharmaceutical research and make more contribution to the health of human. Hainan Zambon will also use the advantage of Zambon group to bring more advanced products into China and bring healthy life to people with more professional service.


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