业务经理 25-30k·15薪
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招聘主管 · 敏实集团
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职责描述: 1、负责海外光储充业务的开发工作,并负责订单落实与客户维护; 2、负责新能源应用方面的新产品和系统的市场调研和行业分析; 3、定期对市场环境、目标、计划、业务活动进行核查分析及汇报; 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,熟悉储能、光伏、新能源市场及业务,5年以上相关工作经验; 2、熟悉光储充行业发展趋势,项目的投资分析、技术路径、风险管控等工作; 3、承压能力强,积极进取,宣传推广能力强,英语流利,能适应海外出差工作;


敏实集团于 1992 年在浙江宁波创立,2005 年 12 月 1 日在香港证券交易所上市 (股票代码:00425),现已跻身于全球汽车零部件百强企业,有最全的汽车客 户群,是全球最大的铝电池盒供应商、最齐全的表面处理供应商。 目前敏实集团在全球范围内拥有塑件、金属车身系统、电池盒、新事业部 4 大产 品线,5 大研发中心,逾 60 家生产工厂,覆盖中国、美国、墨西哥、德国、英 国、法国、塞尔维亚、捷克、波兰、日本、泰国等国家,集团员工近 20000 余人, 客户遍布全球 30 多个国家,服务 60 多个汽车品牌。 三十而励,敏实人将继续秉持“正直诚信、相互信任、团队合作、引领变革”的 核心价值观,肩负着“让汽车更轻、更美、更智能”的使命,向着“流动的美我 们智造”的愿景,站在世界赛道上扛起责任,无惧前行、奔赴未来! MINTH group was founded in 1992 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. On December 1, 2005, MINTH went public on Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 0425). MINTH is now one of the world’s Top 100 global auto parts companies, with the most complete automotive customer base. MINTH is the world’s largest supplier of aluminum battery boxes and the most complete supplier of surface treatment. At present, MINTH group has 4 major product lines of plastic parts, metal body systems, battery boxes, and new business units. There are 5 R&D centers, over 60 production plants covering China, the United States, Mexico, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Serbia, Czech Republic, Poland, Japan, Thailand and other countries on 3 continents, 20,000+ employees and customers in over 30 countries worldwide, serving more than 60 car brands. Standing at the brand-new point of 30, MINTH will continue to uphold the core values of “integrity, mutual trust, teamwork and leading change”, take on the mission of making “lighter, more beautiful and smarter automobiles”, and move towards the vision of “mobile beauty, we make it smart”. MINTH will stand on the world circuit shouldering the responsibility, without fear, to the future!


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