Labview 工程师 15-20k·15薪
上海-嘉定区 3-5年 本科
带薪年假 节日礼物 免费班车 五险一金 500强 领导好 发展空间大 公司规模大
郭女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • labview
  • 自动化行业
职责描述: 1.Be responsible for the electrical design and program design of PC software; 2.Cooperate with structure engineers to carry out the electrical system design and electrical control system evaluation of the project; 3.Accomplish I/O list, issue the purchasing list of electrical elements; 4.Give guidance to electricians in the installation of control system and the test of electrical system, to check the installation meets the requirements or not; 5.Software programming and program debugging depending on the design of structure engineers and electrical principle; 6. Be responsible for sorting out, collecting and uploading of electrical design and program design, update the files; 7. Research and study new technology and new product, promote the application of new technologies; 8. Formulate standards for electric and program, write related operate instructions, update and promote the usage standards; 9. Accomplish other tasks temporarily assigned by department supervisor; 任职要求: 1. Provide test technology expertise in testing station design. 2. Labview programming skill. 3. Knowledge on database. 4. Basic knowledge of quality tool. 5. PLC programming skill is extra points. 6. Vision development skill is extra points. 7. About 3 years related experience. 8. Basic oral communication ability.


About ZF ZF is a global technology company supplying systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology, enabling the next generation of mobility. ZF allows vehicles to see, think and act. In the four technology domains of Vehicle Motion Control, Integrated Safety, Automated Driving, and Electric Mobility, ZF offers comprehensive product and software solutions for established vehicle manufacturers and newly emerging transport and mobility service providers. ZF electrifies a wide range of vehicle types. With its products, the company contributes to reducing emissions, protecting the climate and enhancing safe mobility.  With some 165,000 employees worldwide, ZF reported sales of 43.8 billion in fiscal 2022. The company operates 168 production locations in 32 countries.  采埃孚是一家全球性技术公司,致力于为乘用车、商用车和工业技术领域提供下一代移动性系统产品。采埃孚能使车辆进行自主观察、思考和行动。在车辆运动控制、集成式安全系统、自主驾驶以及电驱动四大技术领域,采埃孚能为现有的汽车制造商以及初创出行服务供应商提供广泛的解决方案。采埃孚能为各种车型提供电驱动解决方案。凭借其产品组合,采埃孚始终致力于推动节能减排、环境保护以及出行的安全性。 集团 2022 年的销售额达到 438 亿欧元。集团目前在全球 32个国家设有约 168 个生产驻地,拥有超过 165,000 名员工。


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