高级产品工程师 13-17k
佛山 5-10年 大专
年终奖金 五险一金 提供住宿 餐费补贴 公司规模大
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职责描述: 1. Engineering Design: Conceive designs, engineering/design analysis, intent and verification. Maintain technical integrity of the product by sound applications of engineering/mechanical design principles, creation of engineering/design specifications, material selection, definition of the engineering/mechanical design intent and verification activities. 2. Engineering Tools/Processes: Computer aided engineering/design modeling. Guide creation of and/or create computer models for mechanical design/engineering analysis and other uses. Use engineering process tools for engineering design and verification applications. 3. Engineering Documentation: Engineering documentation, verification and records. Create engineering/design content of documentation package and verify accuracy and completeness. 4. Project Support: Support team members and customers. Ensure that goals and objectives are met through effective involvement, contribution and coordination. 5. Functional Support/Special Assignments: Support department and corporation goals. Ensure that goals and objectives are met through effective involvement and contribution. 6. Quality: Comply with the Steelcase quality system. Ensure that all applicable procedures and standards are followed. Ensure quality results in all deliverables. 7. Self Development/Network: Define and implement professional development plan with management. Self development activities may include, but are not limited to, participation in professional organization(s), networking, educational and certification courses. 8. Influencing Others: Supervise the tasks of engineers/mechanical designers and lead all technical aspects of a project. Positively influence peers. Effectively exercise interpersonal skills. Coach and mentor. 任职要求: • Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent technical degree or certification. • Minimum 8 years work experience within mechanical engineering discipline.


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