Mechanical Engineer (苏州) 12-18k
苏州 3-5年 统招本科
年终奖金 通讯津贴 免费班车 发展空间大 技能培训 岗位晋升 定期体检
黄女士 1分钟前在线 已认证
GENERAL SUMMARY The position is responsible to lead projects independently and provide technical support & design for engineering Evaporative Cooling Towers. PRINCIPAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS)  Perform any duties as assigned from solid line supervisor and manager and mutually support all engineering team members.  Perform & execute product design & improvement & order processing.  Create & double check tower order BOMs & fabrication drawings.  Develop relevant materials & technics for assigned orders & projects.  Provide guidance on product assembly.  Establish product criteria.  Perform site inspections, investigation and customer or supplemental issues.  Prepare various technical material and documentation.  Propose concepts and basic data for product improvement & order design.  Perform product SAP / PLM and configuration maintenance.  Perform part design and analysis, tower 3D modeling and drafting.  Review vendor-supplied engineering documents.  Sales support on ideas development & pricing.  Lead VA/VE and NPD projects, and interface w/ a global cross-functional team. SPECIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES ENGINEER  Provide technical support & training to other departments and customers.  Knowledge GB & CTI code  Addresses local warranty claims  Understand vibration spectra, sound and thermal test data  Analyze above results (Technical Service Engineer)  Customize tower with TRACS (Technical Service Engineer) EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor degree or above in mechanical, power, thermal, civil or structural engrg. • At least five-year experience. SKILLS: • Good written & spoken English required. • Proficiency in performing and checking calculations and drawings. • Proficiency in PowerPoint, Word, Excel, AutoCAD and 3D Modeling. • Programming skills is preferred • Electrical knowledge is a PLUS


斯必克(广州)冷却技术有限公司成立于1996年,是斯必克集团在中国的全资子公司,负责湿冷和蒸发式冷却塔设计及生产。公司管理总部设在上海;在广州、长沙、北京、成都和西安设立销售办事处和售后服务中心辐射全国绝大部分区域。 2009年11月,根据斯必克集团规划,斯必克冷却技术制造中心从广州搬迁至江苏省吴江市汾湖经济开发区,并成立斯必克冷却技术(苏州)有限公司负责产品研发、设计、生产、采购、物流以及供应商管理。厂区总面积约15000平方米,其中物流仓库7500平方米, 生产车间3000平方米,包括填料生产车间,钣金生产车间以及冷却塔组装车间等。并且建立了一套严格的质量管理体系,通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证、OHSAS18001职业健康安全管理体系认证和ISO9001质量体系国际认证,世界权威机构冷却技术协会CTI认证和FM认证。 斯必克旗下的马利品牌已有百年历史。秉承其一贯的整塔设计理念,依托斯必克先进的技术开发系统,完善的质量测试手段,全球的研发设计力量,以其创新的工程和结构设计,运用了高效填料和风机,重力布水系统和专利喷头设计,以及精密的传动系统。在为用户提供高冷效的同时确保低运行功耗,真正实现了国家节能环保的目标。


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