ESG咨询和报告服务顾问 ESG Consulting and Reporting Service Consultant 25-30k
深圳 1-3年 统招本科
年终奖金 绩效奖金 交通补助 领导好 发展空间大 扁平管理 管理规范 技能培训 弹性工作
王女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • ESG研究
  • ESG拓展
  • ESG报告撰写
  • ESG数据收集与分析
可持续发展/ ESG咨询和报告服务顾问 Sustainability / ESG Consulting and Reporting Service Consultant 职责描述 Job Description 1. 负责现场调查、收集、分析及跟进数据,参与ESG披露项目、体系完善,跟踪全球主要ESG研究进展; 2. 在了解客户需求的基础上,通过可持续发展研究、基准测试和市场情报等方法,负责对ESG议题进行深入研究,协助为客户量身定制的可持续发展/ESG/CSR咨询和报告服务; 3. 负责与客户进行日常沟通,撰写会议记录,参与咨询项目的开展; 4. 对各行业ESG实质性因素进行分析研究,撰写ESG行业研究报告; 5. 协助团队进行业务开发和拓展中国ESG市场,吸引潜在客户; 6. 利用研究知识、技术和工具,不断学习和创新,为提高团队服务质量贡献符合成本效益切实可行的方法及建议; 7. 完成客户提出的其他相关工作,公司交办的其他工作。 1. Responsible for on-site investigation, data collection, analysis and follow-up, participating in ESG disclosure projects, system improvement and tracking the progress of major global ESG studies; 2. Responsible for conducting in-depth research on ESG topics and assisting in customized sustainability/ ESG/ CSR consulting and reporting services for clients based on understanding their needs through sustainability research, benchmarking and market intelligence; 3. Responsible for daily communication with clients, writing minutes of meetings and participating in consulting projects; 4. Analyzing and researching ESG materiality factors in various industries and writing ESG research reports in various industries; 5. Assisting the team in business development and expanding the ESG market in China to attract potential clients; 6. Using research knowledge, techniques and tools, continuous learning and innovation to contribute cost-effective and practical methods and recommendations to improve the quality of the team's services; 7. Completing other related work proposed by clients and other tasks assigned by the company. 任职要求 Requirements 1. 本科或硕士学历,国内985/211院校毕业、有海外留学背景优先,主修STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)或社会科学和环境专业者优先;一年以上ESG或EHS报告经验者优先,如:可持续发展报告和保证、ESG/ EHS风险评估和企业社会责任战略与规划等; 2. 较强的逻辑分析能力、数据处理能力、人际交往与沟通能力、清晰的思考和决策能力; 3. 极高的细节关注能力; 4. 优秀的中英文写作与口语能力; 5. 熟练应用Office办公软件; 6. 严谨、尽责,富有团队精神,适应较频繁的出差。 1. Bachelor's or Master's degree, preferably from a domestic 985/211 institution, with overseas study background, majoring in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or social sciences and environment; 2. More than one year experience in ESG / EHS reporting is preferred, such as sustainability reports and assurance, ESG/ EHS risk assessment and CSR strategy and planning; 3. Strong logical and analytical skills, data handling skills, interpersonal and communication skills, clear thinking and decision making skills; 4. Extremely high attention to detail; 5. Excellent writing and speaking skills in English and Mandarin; 6. Proficiency in Microsoft Office software; 7. Rigorous, committed, good team player, and adaptable to frequent work trip.


瑞士EBP咨询 瑞士EBP咨询是一家从事综合咨询的跨国企业。从环境、水务、能源、交通规划、空间与城市规划、信息工程、土木工程到节能建筑等多个领域,瑞士EBP整合全球区域资源,将前沿技术、深入当地的市场洞察与强大的科技创新实力相结合,为活跃于世界各地的客户提供项目咨询、规划、设计、实施和管理等全方位服务。 自1981年成立以来,瑞士EBP始终以可持续发展为目标。依托600多名来自17个国家和地区的优秀人才,及遍布全球的公司网络,包括瑞士苏黎世总部、德国柏林、美国波士顿、巴西圣保罗、智利圣地亚哥以及中国深圳子公司,瑞士EBP有能力为客户提供切实可行的解决方案,帮助客户从容迎接时代挑战。 瑞士EBP中国子公司于2019年成立,目前处于业务拓展阶段。欢迎访问官方网站********** 或关注我们的微信公众号(瑞士EBP)。我们期待您的加入,共同为可持续发展领域贡献力量。


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  • a. 扣押您的身份证件或者其他证件;
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