Acoustic Technologies Sales Manager-声学销售经理 12-15k·13薪
杭州 5-10年 本科
五险一金 领导好 发展空间大 技能培训 岗位晋升 带薪年假
孔女士 3小时前在线 已认证
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Job Responsibilities: 1.Aggressively develop new customers and new application and also maintain the existing business and customers; aggressively dive into Architectural Acoustics, Automotive, Small Engine and Heavy Duty market to pursue both immediate sales and long term opportunities of Sealing, Thermal Management and Acoustic application. 2.Establish professional customer relationship with our existing accounts through frequent visits and calls to develop potential opportunities. 3.Serve customer during entire sales activities, from pre-sales, such as technical inquiring, RFQ (Request For Quotations), and contract negotiation, project implementation, and post-sales, such as problem solving, after sales service. 4.Follow corporate strategic plan and business focus, collect market information and identify potential opportunity, provide accurate and timely reporting and forecast on responded customer’s information, industry trends, and competitor and market intelligence to senior management. 5.Meeting with Corporate Sales and Engineering team to share sales activities understand update technology and maximize the synergy from Global support. 6.Bridge among various functions in our organization, such as Corp & local Engineering, Supply Chain and Manufacturing facility on projects launching and transferring. 7.Perform other relative duties as assigned. Desired Skills and Experience 1.BS in Acoustic or Engineering is required; Knowledge on Static Sealing technology will be given priority. Solid understanding of Acoustic Engineering & manufacturing processes 2.3+ years of Sales & Marketing experience in Acoustic Engineering, Automotive or Heavy Duty Industries, 3.Deep connection with architectural engineer, acoustic consultant or OEM engineer in this those market is a must. 4.Very aggressive on BD and Willing and able to travel and attend conference call during night time 5.Strong interpersonal communication skills internally and externally, be able to communicate both in written and verbal English


作为用于设备绝热的柔性闭泡橡塑绝热材料发明者和工程发泡材料的领 导品牌,阿乐斯开发了创新且安全的绝热、降噪和机械解决方案,为客户创 造可持续的价值。阿乐斯的产品对全球能效有重要贡献,每天都在全球范围 内产生影响。阿乐斯在 16 个国家/地区拥有 3,000 名员工和 26 家工厂, 其中在中国拥有 3 家工厂,分别位于广东省广州市、江苏省张家港市以及广 东省英德市。公司经营两大主要业务,即高端绝热材料和工程发泡材料。阿乐斯专注于技术设备使用的绝热材料、高科技和轻质应用的高性能发泡材料 以及新一代气凝胶绝热毡技术。 更多详情请查看公司官网:******************************************************


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