机械结构工程师 5-7k
厦门-思明区 1-3年 大专
杨女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • ug
  • cad
职责描述: 1,根椐需求完成产品外观、内部结构设计。懂得防水设计,机械结构设计;Finish product appearance and structure design base on requirement. Understand waterproof design and mechanical design, can help do weight, water flow and other simulations; 2,参与结构/包装/模具/新品导入项目的评审。Involve in the new project evaluation, include structure/package/mould etc; 3,参与供应商的结构与工艺设计,处理模具申请-试模-试产-跟踪,实施不良项目改善和顾客的需求变更。Involve in structure and mechanical design with supplier. Follow up on mould design-mould test-trial production-mass production. Implement improvement plan and customer change requirement in the project process; 4,帮助项目进行成本预估及成本控制; Support operation VP in product cost estimation and cost control; 5,帮助项目新供应商开发及对接;Support operation VP in new supplier development and communication; 任职要求: 1,大专以上学历,3年以上经验,有种植系统相关经验优先; College degree or above, 3 years work experience; Experience in grow system is preferred; 2,熟悉塑胶、五金特性,生产工艺,表面处理工艺;Familiar with plastic and hardware characteristics, production process, and surface treatment process; 3,熟练3D(Pr-E/UG),2D(CAD)绘图软件进行外观、结构设计; Proficient in 3D (pr-e / UG), 2D (CAD) drawing software for appearance and structure design 公司优势What we can provide: 1. 灵活的办公方式,员工可居家办公,日常无需打卡;Flexible work style, home-office; 2. 国际化的办公氛围(外国同事及客户),可以为员工提供更好的成长空间;Multinational work environment, which can provide better work experience for employee;


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