质量专员 8-11k·15薪
上海 1-3年 本科
绩效奖金 带薪年假 技能培训 领导好
张女士 一周前在线 已认证
  • qa
职责描述: Be responsible for AE management both for PMS purpose and clinical trial including AE reporting to NMPA, working out reports such as the PRER requested by the NMPA or Avitum SOP, collecting and reporting oversea AE, communication with Headquater and the Competent Authority for related AE cases and etc. Work with the Sales/Marketing/Technical Service/BO team for complaint handling (collection, evaluation, reporting in global SAP C3 system, investigation as appropriate, following up and closure); complaint process improvement; NMPA follow up; trend analysis; communication with the oversea manufacturing sites or local supplier for complaint related issues. Be responsible for recall related activities including working out communication materials for recall, leading the cross-functional team to handle all recall related activities, on-site/desk audit to distributors/clinics, making sure all affected products are traced back and returned/destructed with evidence and working out reports as requested by the NMPA. Other tasks assigned by the quality manager, such as QMS related issues: internal audit, document destribution, training and Operation related issues: NC handling and etc.. 任职要求: "1. BS degree or above in the following subjects: Medical Device, Pharmaceutics, Medicine, Chemistry, Biology and any other related subjects 2. Very good command of both spoken and written English 3. Very good command of MS office" "1. Min. 2+ QA experience in MD manufacturing industry is a MUST. 2. Comprehensive knowledge of GSP or GMP, AE reporting/evaluation, recall is required. 3. Experience in auditing is preferred. 4. Experience in commercial company is preferred." "1. Excellent communication skills 2. Good problem identification and analysis skills"


贝朗始创于1839年,总部位于德国梅尔松根,是一家有着180多年悠久历史的家族企业。作为专业医疗设备、医药产品、外科手术以及血液透析等周边产品供应商之一,贝朗通过与客户和合作伙伴开展建设性对话,持续提供高效的解决方案,致力于保护和改善全世界人们的健康。目前贝朗集团在全球64个国家拥有分支机构,拥有64,000多名员工,2020年的销售额近75亿欧元。 1985年,德国贝朗集团正式开启在华业务。经过30多年的发展,贝朗在中国拥有七家独立的法人实体公司,大中华区总部位于上海,在北京、香港、广州、武汉等中国主要城市都设有分公司,业务遍布全国70多个城市,并在江苏苏州和山东淄博投资建设了大型生产基地。目前我们在华员工超过2,200人,多年来销售额持续保持两位数的增长。 2014年,贝朗在苏州建立了完善的产品研发中心,以深耕中国为己任, 通过了解中国用户的需求, 和国内外的企业合作,共同研发和生产更多、更先进的高科技医疗产品,致力于在中国医疗行业市场发挥更大的作用,服务更多的中国本地患者。 秉承“专业共享”的企业核心价值观,贝朗集团于2015年在苏州投资5,000万元人民币建立了海外实体医学专业教育培训中心——蛇牌学院,用于医学人才培养和继续医学再教育。蛇牌学院建筑面积有3,000平方米,包含展示厅、研讨会议室、模拟手术间、活体动物实验室及技术中心等。 2018年底,蛇牌学院正式推出“数字化蛇牌学院APP”,通过线上培训更大范围服务中国广大医护工作者,尤其在疫情期间发挥了重要作用。 在中国的长期发展过程中,贝朗连续多年获得“中国杰出雇主”、“责任品牌奖”等行业内外奖项。我们期望和社会各界一起“当仁不让、责无旁贷”地承担起企业的社会责任,为建立和谐社会,为中国医疗水平的提升做出应有的贡献。


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